SC DNA Sequence Worksheet


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Follow the link to begin the DNA Sequencing Assembly Interactive. Download the
accompanying worksheet and answer questions 1-10 (2 points each)
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2010 Holiday Lectures on Science
DNA Sequence Assembly—Student Worksheet
About This Worksheet
This worksheet complements the Click and Learn “DNA Sequence Assembly”
developed in conjunction with the 2010 Holiday Lectures on Science, “Viral
Outbreak: The Science of Emerging Disease.”
Author: Ann Brokaw, Rocky River High School, Rocky River, OH
Answer the following questions as you proceed through the slides.
1. Read the information on slide 1 and watch the video clip. Explain what the amount of DNA
sequence that can be generated for a dollar reveals about sequencing technology?
2. Summarize how Sanger sequencing works.
3. What is the upper limit for the number of nucleotides that can be read using Sanger sequencing?
Explain why this is the limit.
4. Read slide 4 and provide an example of an overlap sequence in the space below.
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DNA Sequence Assembly—Student Worksheet
5. Using your own words, describe shotgun sequencing.
6. Describe deep sequencing.
7. Read slides 7 through 16 and answer the following questions as you proceed through the slides.
a. How is overlapping text used in this example?
b. Explain in your own words what it means to “align” text or sequence. (You may use an
example if it helps.)
c. How can discrepancies be reconciled?
d. What are the first eight words of the sample assembly on slide 16?
8. What is a major challenge in deep sequencing?
9. Read slides 18 through 27 and answer the following questions as you proceed through the slides.
Be sure to watch the embedded video clips also.
a. What is a consensus sequence?
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DNA Sequence Assembly—Student Worksheet
b. How are gaps in a sequence filled in? Explain your answer. (Be sure to include the terms “PCR”
and “Sanger sequencing” in your explanation.)
c. Make a list of the technologies used to sequence the genome of a newly discovered virus.
10. More and more research labs are becoming “interdisciplinary.” In your own words, explain why it
is important to have computer scientists who understand biology and biologists who understand
computer science.
About the Holiday Lectures on Science and
As part of its mission to strengthen science education, HHMI presents the Holiday Lectures on Science, an annual series that brings the latest developments in a rapidly moving field of
research into the classroom. The lectures are given by HHMI investigators and other leading scientists. The series began in 1993.
To complement the Holiday Lectures and enhance their usefulness in the classroom, HHMI produces a variety of free science education materials. Lecture summaries, biographies of the
lecturers, and other resources are available at DVDs and CD-ROMs can be ordered through HHMI’s Catalog at
The BioInteractive website ( features virtual labs, animations, and other engaging instructional materials. They can be used to supplement the lecture topics or to learn
important concepts in the biomedical sciences.
About the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Department of Science Education
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a nonprofit medical research organization that employs hundreds of leading
biomedical scientists working at the forefront of their fields. In addition, through its grants program and other
activities, HHMI is helping enhance science education at all levels and maintain the vigor of biomedical science
worldwide. Headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, HHMI is one of the world’s largest philanthropies, with
laboratories across the United States and grants programs throughout the world.
4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815
The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Trustees or management of the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
(301) 215-8500 •
© 2013 Howard Hughes Medical Institute

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