San Jose State University Cell & Genetics Biology Worksheet


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Bacterial Gene Expression
What is an operon?
2. What regulatory sequences are part of the operon?
Are the genes for the repressor protein part of the operon?
4. How are transcription and translation coordinated in Bacteria?
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5. List and describe the levels of regulation of gene expression. Which is most common in Bacteria, ~nd wdy · h ?
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6. Compare and contrast the two basic types of operon. Which most resembles end-pro d uct ·in h”b”t1on
Eukaryotic Gene Expression
What is the structure of a eukaryotic gene? How does this differ from the Bacterial operon?
What regulatory sequences are associated with a eukaryotic gene?
Describe the steps of RNA processing. Where in the cell does this occur?
4. What are transcription factors? What is .the major difference between a general transcription factor and a
specific transcription factor?
5. Is an “element” a DNA sequence or the factor that binds to a particular sequence?
6. What is a common control element? What role does it play in coordinated gene expression?
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