Lecture 9 Microbiology Mechanisms of Drug Action Paper


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Lecture 7
Homework Assignment
10 points
Student’s score ________/10
(Answers can be found in textbook Chapter 7 or in Lecture 7 Powerpoints)
1. Which of the following chemical elements is not a major requirement for most cells?
a. Hydrogen
b. Carbon
c. Nitrogen
d. Iodine
2. Which of the following statements is true of passive transport?
a. It requires a gradient
b. It requires energy
c. It includes endocytosis
d. It only moves water
3. Which of the following statements is true of active transport?
a. It does not require energy
b. It requires a concentration gradient
c. ‘Phagocytosis’ is a process which involves the engulfment of whole cells or
d. ‘Group translocation’ involves the formation of vesicles of liquid which are taken
into the cell.
4. A cell exposed to a hypertonic environment will ___________due to osmosis.
a. Gain water
b. Lose water
c. Neither gain nor lose water
d. Burst
5. As far as temperature requirements, most human and animal pathogens are:
a. Thermophiles
b. Mesophiles
c. Psychrophiles
d. Extreme thermophiles
6. Most bacteria grow best in a pH range of:
a. 6.2 – 6.8
b. 8.0 – 8.5
c. 4.5 – 5.0
d. 7.0 – 7.2
7. Bacteria reproduce by a simple asexual means of reproduction called _______________.
Outline the steps of this process.
8. In the phases of bacterial growth in culture, which phase is the period of rapid cell
division in which the cells are most vulnerable to the effects of antibiotics and radiation?
a. Log phase
b. Lag phase
c. Death phase
d. Stationary phase
9. A ‘generation time’ is:
a. The time it takes for a bacterial cell population to die off
b. The time it takes for antibiotics to inhibit bacterial growth
c. The time it takes for 1 bacterial cell to divide into 2 cells
d. The time it takes for the bacterial population to reach 1 million cells
10. In a viable plate count, each __________________represents a _________________in
the original sample being tested.
a. Living bacterial cell, colony
b. Colony, living bacterial cell
c. Hour, generation
d. Colony, living or dead bacterial cell
Lecture 8
Homework Assignment
10 points
Student’s score ________/10
(Answers can be found in textbook Chapter 11 or in Lecture 8 Powerpoints)
1. Which scientist is credited with the first antiseptic surgery? He sprayed a dilute phenol
solution into the operating room during surgery and treated surgical wounds with
a. Ignaz Semmelweiss
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Joseph Lister
d. Robert Koch
2. What is the difference between an ‘antiseptic’ and a ‘disinfectant’.
3. Explain the difference between the term ‘bacteriostatic’ and the term ‘bacteriocidal’.
4. Which of the following affects how well a physical or chemical control method will
a. Concentration
b. Temperature
c. Presence of organic matter
d. A and B only
e. All of these
5. Regarding physical methods of control, which of the following is mismatched?
a. Osmotic pressure : low temperatures inhibit bacterial growth
b. Heat : denatures proteins/enzymes
c. Dessication : dehydration inhibits bacterial growth
d. Filtration : physical separation of microbes from a liquid or a gas using a
membrane filter
6. . Which of the following organisms is most resistant to the effects of chemical agents?
a. Gram (-) bacteria
b. Gram (+) bacteria
c. Fungi
d. Endospores of bacteria
7. (True or False) Most chemical methods of control sterilize.
8. Which of the following chemical agents cannot be used to sterilize (‘sterilize’ means to
kill everything even bacterial endospores)?
a. Hydrogen peroxide
b. Alcohol
c. Iodine
d. Formaldehyde
9. (True or False) Dyes have a greater effectiveness to inhibit Gram (-) bacteria than Gram
(+) bacteria.
10. ‘Oligodynamic action’ means:
a. small amounts of ethylene oxide kill all organisms
b. organic acids can be used for food preservation
c. very small amounts of heavy metals can exert an antimicrobial effect
d. the use of dyes in culture media to inhibit bacterial growth

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