California state university Northridge Case Scenario Essay


In this scenario assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario.

Discuss the main points of the debate, what stance you take, support that stance, and discuss the opposing argument. Also, discuss an ethical theory that would apply to defend your view.

To complete each scenario assignment:

1. Read the attached scenario pictures.

2. Compose in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:

  • Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
  • Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you think is the most ethical and why?
  • Which ethical theory would you use to support your stance? Why does this theory work?
  • Which ethical theory (of the 6 approved ones ONLY – Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Social Contract) would you apply to this topic to defend your stance? A) In this reflection you must first define the key terms of the debate (for example, define what Euthanasia/Abortion/Stem Cell/Public Health/PreNatal Testing/Animal Research/Health Care, etc. means and what are the different types depending on which topic you are discussing)B) Define and explain the ethical theory you chose (show me you know exactly what the theory is and does – in your own words)C) Present the evidence both pro and con and follow up how using your ethical theory is the best way to determine whether or not your stance is really ethical

4. Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum of one theory of ethics to defend your stance.

5. Your reflection must be 1-2 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate, making sure to cite at least two sources.

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Transcript Resourc
Good morning everyone, thank you so much
for coming today.
Concerns have been raised recently that the
strides that specialists are making in
prenatal genetic testing are leading us down
the path of eugenics.
Eugenics, of course, is the theory and
practice of human improvement by way of
y th genetic manipulation to produce desired
traits in a child. If history is any indicator,
there is cause for alarm where ethics issues
and eugenics are concerned.
Eugenics played a clear role in the Nazi
ctes “master race” project and the extermination
of millions of people who did not meet Nazi
criteria. Can the mistakes of the past be
the avoided? Doctors and legislators need to be
open-minded and willing to hear all opinions
on this topic.
Today we are talking specifically about a
blood test used to screen for Down
syndrome during the first trimester of
The genetic test in question gives us the
ability to identify Down syndrome in the
womb without causing any harm to the fetus
through the use of a simple blood test.
Down syndrome can bring with it a lifetime of
pain and frustration which, in addition to the
potential for physical abnormalities, can
include a loss of cognitive ability, respiratory
problems, heart defects, and more.
This test is extremely low risk and almost
100% accurate; there is no reason to view
me this as ethically questionable.
Giving parents this information in advance
ar means parents have more options in
general, and an opportunity to raise a
healthier child.
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Transcript Resource
Dr. Garcia, we have a question from the
audience for you: I know there’s no cure, but
how long do people with Down syndrome
typically live, and what is their quality of life?
Advances in medicine have improved life
pe dramatically for those with Down syndrome.
True, most still live shorter lives on average
than those without the disorder, but many
now live to be 60 or older. In the United
States, many people with Down syndrome
que complete high school, and some go on to
college. People with Down syndrome can
work, volunteer, and vote. And they are able
to give and receive love like everyone else.
Thank you, Dr. Garcia.
e sin
We are not telling parents what to do with the
information we give them. We are simply
identifying a potential health hazard. This
test is a medical advance, plain and simple.
Previous tests for Down syndrome were not
as accurate, and required withdrawing
amniotic fluid, which came with substantial
risks. This is a basic blood test. We are
ial identifying a clear health risk. It’s non-
Transcript Resour
compulsory, and the benefits are strictly for
greater health.
Transcript Resou
Perhaps not “strictly”. The test will inevitably
lead some parents to abort a child whose
test is positive for Down syndrome, but who
would not have developed any of the health
problems potentially associated with the
Ahealthy life would have been prevented in
favor of another life with more culturally
accepted aesthetics, and little more. Making
this test available is also making decisions
about which lives we value as a society, and
with that we are stepping beyond the realm
of health care. This is the reason that some
of us fear that these tests are leading us as
a culture toward eugenics. The blood test for
Down syndrome is a medical advance, but
that does not mean it is an ethical advance.
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