BIO 339 CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College Biology Worksheet


1) Define the topic of your term paper with one or more tentative titles. Such as

“The allometry and regulation of heart rate among birds”
“The mechanisms and evolution of water balance organs among terrestrial arthropods”
“Biochemical adaptation of enzymes in of birds to respiration at high elevations”

2) Read one of the most important/interesting papers you have found. Upload a copy of the paper.

The file name of the pdf needs to include author data and title so it should be something like “Ezenwa et al. 2009. A reliable body condition scoring technique for estimating condition in African buffalo.pdf”. If the title is “Aamx3345.pdf” both of us will have trouble finding it later.

3) Write 2 to 4 sentences about the paper that you think are key to your term paper.

Here is an example of the kinds of sentences I image you writing.

“Heinrich et al (1987) claim that only insects above 100 mg in body mass can maintain body temperatures significantly above ambient temperate. They present empirical measurements to support their assertion. Honeybees and some halictid bees can have thoracic temperature 20°C above air temperature. They cite other papers in which insects during flight, namely beetles and some flies in the 200 mg range can have body temperatures of 35 °C with the air temperatures of only 20°C . “

4) Include a bibliography of 50 potential papers that you think are most relevant to your paper (see example below). I suggest using Google scholar and the Mendeley.

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Term Paper Tentative Title, A relevant paper from the literature and a Bibliography
Due: Wednesday 10th March
Bio337 – CAP
2 points
1) Define the topic of your term paper with one or more tentative titles. Such as
“The allometry and regulation of heart rate among birds”
“The mechanisms and evolution of water balance organs among terrestrial
“Biochemical adaptation of enzymes in of birds to respiration at high elevations”
2) Read one of the most important/interesting papers you have found. Upload a
copy of the paper.
The file name of the pdf needs to include author data and title so it should be
something like “Ezenwa et al. 2009. A reliable body condition scoring technique for
estimating condition in African buffalo.pdf”. If the title is “Aamx3345.pdf” both of
us will have trouble finding it later.
3) Write 2 to 4 sentences about the paper that you think are key to your term paper.
Here is an example of the kinds of sentences I image you writing.
“Heinrich et al (1987) claim that only insects above 100 mg in body mass can
maintain body temperatures significantly above ambient temperate. They present
empirical measurements to support their assertion. Honeybees and some halictid
bees can have thoracic temperature 20°C above air temperature. They cite other
papers in which insects during flight, namely beetles and some flies in the 200 mg
range can have body temperatures of 35 °C with the air temperatures of only 20°C . “
4) Include a bibliography of 50 potential papers that you think are most relevant to
your paper (see example below). I suggest using Google scholar and the Mendeley.
Instructions for getting the references from Google scholar to Mendeley and then to
export the references to turn in.
See the instructions here
Mendeley can save you time in the long run. Otherwise, I recommend cut and paste
from Google scholar and then checking the data to make sure it is complete and that
species names are italicized correctly
The references should look something like this. I am not strict about the particular
format you use (many are available), however, keep the same format throughout the
Arnould, J. P. Y. 2006. Indices of body condition and body composition in female antarctic fur seals
(arctocephalus gazella). Marine Mammal Science 11, (3): 301-13.
Biuw, M., L. Boehme, C. Guinet, M. Hindell, D. Costa, J. B. Charrassin, F. Roquet, F. Bailleul, M. Meredith, and S.
Thorpe. 2007. Variations in behavior and condition of a southern ocean top predator in relation to in situ
oceanographic conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, (34): 13705.
———. 2007. Variations in behavior and condition of a southern ocean top predator in relation to in situ
oceanographic conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, (34): 13705.
Budden, A. E., and J. L. Dickinson. 2008. Signals of quality and age: The information content of multiple plumage
ornaments in male western bluebirds sialia mexicana. Journal of Avian Biology 40, (1): 18-27.
Cattet, M. R. L., N. A. Caulkett, M. E. Obbard, and G. B. Stenhouse. 2002. A body-condition index for ursids.
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, (7): 1156-61.
Cavallini, P. 1996. Comparison of body condition indices in the red fox (fissipedia, canidae). Mammalia 60, (3):
Chastel, O., H. Weimerskirch, and P. Jouventin. 1995. Body condition and seabird reproductive performance: A
study of three petrel species. Ecology 76, (7): 2240-6.
Cho, S. H. 2007. Compensatory growth of juvenile flounder paralichthys olivaceus L. and changes in biochemical
composition and body condition indices during starvation and after refeeding in winter season. Journal of
the World Aquaculture Society 36, (4): 508-14.
Congdon, J. D. 1989. Proximate and evolutionary constraints on energy relations of reptiles. Physiological
Zoology 62, (2): 356-73.
Dadzie, S., F. Abou-Seedo, and JO Manyala. 2008. Length–length relationship, length–weight relationship,
gonadosomatic index, condition factor, size at maturity and fecundity of parastromateus niger
(carangidae) in kuwaiti waters. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24, (3): 334-6.
Davidson, D., and C. T. Marshall. 2010. Are morphometric indices accurate indicators of stored energy in herring
clupea harengus? Journal of Fish Biology 76, (4): 913-29.
Depperschmidt, J. D., S. C. Torbit, A. W. Alldredge, and R. D. Deblinger. 1987. Body condition indices for starved
pronghorns. The Journal of Wildlife Management 51, (3): 675-8.
Dillon, J., M. Morris, L. O’Donnell, A. Reid, M. Rickinson, and W. Scott. 2005. Engaging and Learning with the
outdoors–the Final Report of the Outdoor Classroom in a Rural Context Action Research Project.
Eichhorn, G., and G. H. Visser. 2008. Evaluation of the deuterium dilution method to estimate body composition
in the barnacle goose: Accuracy and minimum equilibration time. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
81, (4): 508-18.
Ezenwa, V. O., A. E. Jolles, and M. P. O’Brien. 2009. A reliable body condition scoring technique for estimating
condition in african buffalo. African Journal of Ecology 47, (4): 476-81.
Fokidis, H. B., E. C. Greiner, and P. Deviche. 2008. Interspecific variation in avian blood parasites and
haematology associated with urbanization in a desert habitat. Journal of Avian Biology 39, (3): 300-10.
Freedberg, S., and M. J. Wade. 2004. Male combat favours female-biased sex ratios under environmental sex
determination. Animal Behaviour 67, (1): 177-81.
Gannes, L. Z., D. M. O’Brien, and C. M. del Rio. 1997. Stable isotopes in animal ecology: Assumptions, caveats, and
a call for more laboratory experiments. Ecology 78, (4): 1271-6.
Grant, E. C., D. P. Philipp, K. R. Inendino, and T. L. Goldberg. 2003. Effects of temperature on the susceptibility of
largemouth bass to largemouth bass virus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 15, : 215-20.
Hansen, M. J., and N. A. Nate. 2005. A method for correcting the relative weight (wr) index for seasonal patterns
in relative condition (kn) with length as applied to walleye in wisconsin. North American Journal of
Fisheries Management 25, : 1256-62.
Hõrak, P., L. Saks, I. Ots, and H. Kollist. 2002. Repeatability of condition indices in captive greenfinches (carduelis
chloris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, (4): 636-43.
Hussey, N. E., D. T. Cocks, S. F. J. Dudley, I. D. McCarthy, and S. P. Wintner. 2009. The condition conundrum:
Application of multiple condition indices to the dusky shark carcharhinus obscurus. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 380, : 199–212.
Ichii, T., N. Shinohara, Y. Fujise, S. Nishiwaki, and K. Matsuoka. 1998. Interannual changes in body fat condition
index of minke whales in the antarctic. MEPS 175, : 1-12.
Jakob, E. M., S. D. Marshall, and G. W. Uetz. 1996. Estimating fitness: A comparison of body condition indices.
Oikos 77, (1): 61-7.
Johnson, D. H., G. L. Krapu, K. J. Reinecke, and D. G. Jorde. 1985. An evaluation of condition indices for birds. The
Journal of Wildlife Management 49, (3): 569-75.
———. 1985. An evaluation of condition indices for birds. The Journal of Wildlife Management 49, (3): 569-75.
Karpenko, VI, VG Erokhin, and VP Smorodin. 1998. Abundance and biology of kamchatkan salmon during the
initial year of ocean residence. NPAFC Bull 1, : 352-66.
Kotiaho, J. S. 1999. Estimating fitness: Comparison of body condition indices revisited. Oikos 87, (2): 399-400.
Lambert, Y., and J. D. Dutil. 1997. Can simple condition indices be used to monitor and quantify seasonal changes
in the energy reserves of cod (gadus morhua)? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54, (S1):
Larrañaga, A., A. Basaguren, and J. Pozo. 2009. Impacts of eucalyptus globulus plantations on physiology and
population densities of invertebrates inhabiting iberian atlantic streams. International Review of
Hydrobiology 94, (4): 497-511.
Lenz, T. L., K. Wells, M. Pfeiffer, and S. Sommer. 2009. Diverse MHC IIB allele repertoire increases parasite
resistance and body condition in the long-tailed giant rat (leopoldamys sabanus). BMC Evolutionary
Biology 9, (Nov 23): 269.
Lucas, A., and P. G. Beninger. 1985. The use of physiological condition indices in marine bivalve aquaculture.
Aquaculture 44, (3): 187-200.
Marshall, S. D., E. M. Jakob, and G. W. Uetz. 1999. Re-estimating fitness: Can scaling issues confound condition
indices? Oikos 87, (2): 401-2.
Moya-Laraño, J., R. Macías-Ordóñez, W. U. Blanckenhorn, and C. Fernández-Montraveta. 2008. Analysing body
condition: Mass, volume or density? Journal of Animal Ecology 77, (6): 1099-108.
Nash, R. D. M., A. H. Valencia, and A. J. Geffen. 2006. The origin of Fulton’s condition factor–setting the record
straight. Fisheries 31, (5): 236-8.
Owen, M. 1981. Abdominal profile: A condition index for wild geese in the field. The Journal of Wildlife
Management 45, (1): 227-30.
Pitt, J. A., S. Larivière, and F. Messier. 2006. Condition indices and bioelectrical impedance analysis to predict
body condition of small carnivores. Journal Information 87, (4).
Ringelman, J. K., and M. R. Szymczak. 1985. A physiological condition index for wintering mallards. The Journal of
Wildlife Management 49, (3): 564-8.
Rode, K. D., S. C. Amstrup, and E. V. Regehr. 2007. Polar bears in the southern beaufort sea III: Stature, mass, and
cub recruitment in relationship to time and sea ice extent between 1982 and 2006. USGS Alaska Science
Center, Anchorage, Administrative Report.
Rypel, A. L., and T. J. Richter. 2008. Empirical percentile standard weight equation for the blacktail redhorse.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28, : 1843-6.
Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. M. Del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2003. Physiological responses of juvenile rainbow
trout to fasting and swimming activity: Effects on body composition and condition indices. Transactions of
the American Fisheries Society 132, : 576-89.
Spengler, T. J., P. L. Leberg, and W. C. Barrow Jr. 1995. Comparison of condition indices in migratory passerines
at a stopover site in coastal louisiana. Condor 97, (2): 438-44.
Steyermark, A. C., and J. R. Spotila. 2001. Body temperature and maternal identity affect snapping turtle
(chelydra serpentina) righting response. Copeia 2001, (4): 1050-7.
Sutton, S. G., T. P. Bult, and R. L. Haedrich. 2000. Relationships among fat weight, body weight, water weight, and
condition factors in wild atlantic salmon parr. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129, : 527-38.
Virgl, J. A., and F. Messier. 1993. Evaluation of body size and body condition indices in muskrats. The Journal of
Wildlife Management 57, (4): 854-60.
Whyte, R. J., and E. G. Bolen. 1984. Variation in winter fat depots and condition indices of mallards. The Journal of
Wildlife Management 48, (4): 1370-3.
Wong, JM, and JAH Benzie. 2003. The effects of temperature, artemia enrichment, stocking density and light on
the growth of juvenile seahorses, hippocampus whitei (bleeker, 1855), from australia. Aquaculture 228, (14): 107-21.
Zweig, C.L., 2003. Body condition index analysis for the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Florida)

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