A 48-year-old white female initially admitted for cellulitis of…

Question Answered step-by-step A 48-year-old white female initially admitted for cellulitis of… A 48-year-old white female initially admitted for cellulitis of lower extremities, now complains of sharp left sided chest pain & shortness of breath, increasing in severity & left shoulder pain. Hx of DM type 2, HTN, COPD, hyperlipidemia, renal insufficiency, cellulitis LE, obesity (BMI 40). Patient is a smoker & works as a computer programmer.VS: BP 114/80, HR 118. T98.6F, RR30 shallow, appears to be in moderate respiratory distress; dullness, decreased chest expansion, decreased breath sounds L base; Pulse Ox: 90% RAPer MD: Chest pain, r/o ACS, r/o PE Venous doppler LE: +DVT LLEVQ scan: High probability for PE1. What are the differential diagnoses?2. What are the pre-disposing factors?3. What is Virchow’s Triad?4. What are the patient’s signs and symptoms? Health Science Science Nursing Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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