New York University Alcohol Addiction among Women in Canada Discussion “

Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. 

Choose a health issue or problem pertinent to a specific population experiencing a health disparity. In a 1,500-1,750 word paper, discuss the factors that contribute to the health issue, identify a theory or model that relates to the health issue, and propose a health promotion intervention to improve health outcomes. You may use any relevant resources from your Annotated Bibliography from WEEK 5 for support which is at the end of this posting.

Include the following components:

  • Introduction: Identify and describe the health issue you are addressing and the population affected. Provide a concise synopsis of the purpose of the paper and a general introduction to the target population and the health issue.
  • Relationship Between Health Issue and Target Population: Provide a description about the target population that you have selected, including demographic information about the population. Describe the health issue in relation to the population you chose.
  • Contributing Factors/Social Determinants of Health: Describe the reasons or causes for the health issue. Analyze how social, cultural, behavioral, and psychological factors contribute to the health issue among this population, and the health disparity experienced by the population. Evaluate structural bias, social inequities, and racism that undermine health and create health inequity among this population. Describe under which level of interaction these causes and contributing factors fall: intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, or all three.
  • Theory or Model: Identify the theory or model that best explains the behaviors associated with the health issue selected, as well as best matches the level of interaction for contributing factors. Discuss how this theory or model applies to the health issue you are addressing and provide a rationale for choosing this theory. Describe examples of how this theory has been used successfully in the research literature.
  • Conclusion: Describe health promotion strategies or behavior change strategies to reduce health disparities and health inequity related to the health issue among this population.

You are required to cite at least FIVE sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the discussion question criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

While APA style is required, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

PLEASE make sure APA citation and permalink for articles are complete and correct.

PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.…

Read Chapters 14 and 15 in Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice.  


Read “The Effectiveness of Community Engagement in Public Health Interventions for Disadvantaged Groups: A Meta-Analysis,” by O’Mara-Eves, Brunton, Oliver, Kavanagh, Jamal and Thomas, from BMC Public Health (2015).


Read “The Promise of Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Equity: A Conceptual Model for Bridging Evidence With Policy,” by Cacari-Stone, Wallerstein, Garcia, and Minkler, from American Journal of Public Health (2014).


Read “From Design to Dissemination: Implementing Community-Based Participatory Research in Postdisaster Communities,” by Lichtveld et al., from American Journal of Public Health (2016).


Read “Cultures of Engagement: The Organizational Foundations of Advancing Health in Immigrant and Low-Income Communities of Color,” by Bloemraad and Terriquez, from Social Science and Medicine (2016).


Read “Building Effective Partnerships to Improve Birth Outcomes by Reducing Obesity: The B’more Fit for Healthy Babies Coalition of Baltimore,” by Truiett-Theodorson, Tuck, Bowie, Summers, and Kelber-Kaye, from Evaluation and Program Planning (2015).


Read “Section 1. Strategies for Community Change and Improvement: An Overview” in Chapter 5 of the Community Tool Box website.


Read “Section 8. Some Lessons Learned on Community Organization and Change” in Chapter 1 of the Community Tool Box website.


Read “Section 5. Coalition Building I: Starting a Coalition” in Chapter 5 of the Community Tool Box website.


Read “Section 6. Coalition Building II: Maintaining a Coalition” in Chapter 5 of the Community Tool Box website.


Read “Developing Effective Coalitions: An Eight-Step Guide,” by Cohen, Baer, and Scatterwhite (2002), located on the County Health Rankings website.


MUST have 1,500 to 1,750 words with at least 5 citations with the page numbers and 5  references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) 

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.


Annotated Bibliography

Liao, Y., Wu, Q., Tang, J., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Qi, C., … & Cohen, J. (2016). The efficacy of mobile phone-based text message interventions (‘Happy Quit’) for smoking cessation in China. BMC Public Health, 16(1).

The study by Liao et al. (2016) aims at investigating the efficacy of mobile phone text messages in reducing incidences of smoking within a community setting. The study addresses how information technology measures can be used to reduce smoking incidences within community settings. The information technology approach adopted is the use of mobile phone text messages. The intervention in the study also uses a section of the population affected by smoking incidences in China. The above approach could be adopted in reducing incidences of smoking in any healthcare setting.  

Richter, K. P., Shireman, T. I., Ellerbeck, E. F., Cupertino, A. P., Cox, L. S., Preacher, K. J., … & Lambart, L. (2015). Comparative and cost effectiveness of telemedicine versus telephone counseling for smoking cessation. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

The study by Richter et al. (2015) compared the effectiveness of two approaches in reducing the incidence of smoking through smoking cessation programs. Ideally, both interventions have been used in several settings in lowering incidences of smoking and could be applied as a measure in reducing smoking across clinical settings and communities with high incidences of smoking and its associated diseases. The paper uses two different information technology measures in lowering incidences of smoking cessation and provides information on which action is more effective. The two measures being compared include the use of telemedicine and telephone counseling. The most effective measure could be selected in reducing smoking incidences in cessation programs.

Zeng, E. Y., Heffner, J. L., Copeland, W. K., Mull, K. E., & Bricker, J. B. (2016). Get with the program: Adherence to a smartphone app for smoking cessation. Addictive Behaviors, 63, 120–124.

Zeng et al. (2016) reports the use of mobile phone applications in reducing smoking cessation. The article is applicable in the current setting, considering that more populations have access to mobile phone applications. Also, most communities have reported high smoking incidences and in need of reasonable measures in reducing smoking cessation rates. The study is also relevant as it uses a populace that is affected by high smoking incidences. The study will serve to provide more information on the role of information technology measures in reducing the prevalence of smoking within communities.

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