Health Information Management Discussion Paper


Demonstrate understanding of HIM department functions, evaluate careers in health informatics and health information management. 

  • Examine      how facility health information is used internally and externally to      monitor quality and performance improvement.
  • Explain      the new health information/informatics roles that are emerging as a result      of electronic health records and patient-centric healthcare.
  • Explain      the major functions of the Health Information Department including the      typical workflow of the medical record from creation through completion. 


  1. Complete      the Virtual Tour Assignment.
  2. Complete      the Career Map Assignment.
  3. Complete      and Submit the Comprehensive Written Assignment.

Career Video:  Select and watch two videos from the Career Video list.  Summarize the information in the Career Map Assignment Worksheet.

AHIMA Career Map

Select 2 careers from the Master degree level of the career map and research the career.  Summarize the information in the Career Map Assignment Worksheet.

Assignment limited to two pages – SUMMARIZE WHAT YOU THINK ARE THE KEY CONCEPTS , selecting only the most important information.  Do not copy/paste from the website.

Take this 45 minute tour of a real HIM department at a hospital in Ohio.  Answer the questions as you learn the answers during the tour.  Proofread prior to submission, only one submission will be accepted.

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Watch this 45 minute tour of an HIM department and complete the Virtual Tour Worksheet.

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