Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Nursing Essay

Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:

  • Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment: caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations
  • Explain your belief of caring in nursing (self, nursing, environment, and profession)
  • Describe your professional identity including your beliefs, values, motives, and experiences
  • Discuss one to two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during your nursing career
  • Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment; caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)
  • Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the website for a professional organization or association, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.

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