Capella University Nursing Questions


Draft a proposal for your data review project. Use the Data Review Project Proposal Template, linked in the Resources of this unit.

Integrate faculty feedback on your proposal, prior to sharing it with the prospective client.

Supporting Evidence

Add a minimum of five relevant, authoritative sources, cited within the outline, different than the original citations from Assessment 1. Limit commercial website references to no more than two entries. Format your citations and references using APA style.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your proposal addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Data Review Project Proposal Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

  • Choose a framework appropriate for examining the type of data under investigation. Look at the following for examples and explain the basis for your choice.
    • For a compliance project, use the regulations.
    • For an accrediting assessment, use the standards and site survey criteria.
    • For the implementation of a new service line, consider using the balanced scorecard framework.
  • Explain how a project addresses and adds value to each of the four areas of an organizational balanced scorecard. (The four areas being, business operations, finance, customer service, and organizational learning and growth.)
    • Create a balanced scorecard table similar to the one presented in the Balanced Scorecard Example, linked in the Resources of this unit.
    • Consider a strategic, systems perspective as you contemplate value to the organization and how the project aligns with the organizational mission, vision, and strategy.
    • Find evidence to support your assertions and conclusions.
    • Determine what additional information would strengthen your value proposition.
  • Develop proposed structures (for example, pie chart, graph, spreadsheet, process map) for the visual display of summarized raw data.
    • Reflect on what type of visual display structure will best fit your selected topic. Although you are just beginning to collect data, you will want to consider how to display it.
    • Ensure that your data displays are clear and easily interpreted.
    • Ensure that the proposed title includes the focus of the data, units of measurement, the organization’s name, and time frame.
  • Combine clear, coherent, and original writing, in APA style, with relevant and credible evidence from the scholarly and professional literature.
    • Apply correct APA formatting to your source citations.
    • Consider how or why a particular piece of evidence supports your main points, claims, or conclusions.
    • Make sure your supporting evidence is clear and explicit.
  • Data Review Project Proposal Template

    Your data review project proposal should include the following elements:Cover Page: Include
    the project topic, the course title, your name, the date, and the instructor’s
    name.Table of Contents:
    Headings and sub-headings with right-justified page numbers.Executive Summary:
    One page, double-spaced. Include the topic, the problem, the purpose of the project
    or data examination, the method to examine the data (data review), and the
    nature of the findings (for example, quality improvement of X).Introduction:
    Four-sentence topic description—statement of the problem, the performance
    indicators to be evaluated, the outcome measures for each indicator, and the
    value proposition or relevance statement.·
    I am examining [state the issue or problem],
    because [identify the relevant and authoritative reference that validates your
    issue as a problem].·
    I will examine [state the type of data], and
    will assess the data by measuring [state the performance indicators and outcome
    This project will add value to [state the type
    of organization or name] by [mention how it aligns with an organizational
    This project aligns with my professional
    interests and career goals by [mention how it adds value or has relevance for
    you personally].Statement of the
    State the issue in the form of a problem, and add a properly-formatted
    APA citation.Background:
    Literature: Provide a minimum of six authoritative sources. Add a short description
    of each source explaining how the content directly relates to the topic. Note: Wikipedia and commercial websites
    are not authoritative sources.Your sources should address the following:·
    The issue from a national or industry level.·
    Current, relevant facts, trends, and emerging
    The issue relative to your subsector of the
    health care industry or continuum of care.·
    Data and statistics that substantiate the need
    to examine the issue (or, what are the consequences and risks of not addressing the issue?).Client Value Proposition:·
    State how your project will address or add value
    to each of the four areas of the balanced scorecard: business operations,
    finance, customer service, and organizational learning and growth.·
    Restate any pertinent information, including an industry
    macro overview, such as a new policy to be implemented, compliance with an
    existing regulation or law, and client needs and situation.·
    Make a precise statement about how the data
    review will add value to the organization.·
    Include a request for input and feedback from
    the practicing health care professional or selected health care organization.
    This is to ensure that your identification of key performance indicators and
    targeted data sets under investigation align with the needs of the
    organization.Expected Outcomes and Precise
    Performance Measurement:
    What data will be collected and analyzed?·
    Explain how each performance indicator that
    relates to the problem will be measured. Be precise in explaining how the outcome
    will be measured.·
    Explain what type of visual displays you will
    use to summarize or group the data you are examining (for example, a pie chart,
    graph, spreadsheet, and process map.)Leadership Component:·
    Describe your precise roles and responsibilities
    in leading the effort. Human subject research is outside the scope of the Health
    Administration Capstone course.·
    Select one NCHL competency within each category
    or domain of People, Transformation, and Execution. Then, provide a short
    explanation about how each relates to your project. For example, Domain =
    People; Competency = Change Leadership. I will practice this competency in Unit
    4 by seeking feedback and suggestions from a practicing health care
    professional.Timeline: Include
    a week-by-week summary of major tasks to be done to complete the project.·
    Proposed start and end dates, weekly to-do
    tasks, responsible party (learner), and due dates. Note: Use the Project Management Timetable format.

    Balanced Scorecard Example

    Applied to a Billing Process Improvement Project

    Business Operations Finance Customer Service Organizational Learning and Growth
    Diminish critical
    path variance by x% during Q3 of FY 15. Current baseline is 14% variance.
    revenue by x% over baseline during Q3.
    customer satisfaction scores by x% during Q3 of FY 15.
    billing process and develop critical path. Evidence: Critical path document
    constructed and variance points identified for further quantification.
    Establish a
    new critical path and measure variance from baseline for billing process Y.
    Goal is variance < .03.
    denials by x%.
    non-revenue producing staff communication time by x minutes/day.
    coding errors by x%.

    purpose of this example is to demonstrate the impact of your proposed project
    to a senior executive. You are quantifying what they can expect if they
    implement this project. What are the goals or benchmarks? What will indicate if
    they are making progress (performance indicators)? How will they measure their
    progress (units of measure: variance rate, minutes-per-day, percentage of
    denied claims, and percentage of reduced coding errors; resultant savings:
    staff time, aging accounts, delayed revenue inflow)? Essentially, you are
    citing the time frame in which results might be obtained and providing targets
    for those results.


    Please keep this simple. It is not a complex exercise. You
    will simply make
    a balanced scorecard table similar to the one above for your project and add it
    to your existing proposal. Feel
    free to customize the table for your project.Remember to review the instructor feedback from the Data
    Review Project Proposal assignment. Ensure that you have included any suggested
    revisions in your new and improved project design. Also, include any
    suggestions from the client, when applicable.

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