Fundamentals respiratory therapy

I’m working on a health & medical exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1- What’s the indication and contradiction of Double-lumen endotracheal tube, laryngeal mask airway

(MA) Explain the advantage and dis-advantage of each , when to use it? What is the purpose of

cricothyroidotamy & explain the procedure? Is che first recommended chosen type for rachesomy


2- What is the different between laryngoscope Macintosh and Miller? When to use each one, wich which

case? Discuses the orotracheal Mark for both adult male and female at the lip or teeth level?

-Explain and discuses the level of the tip of an ETT that should be positioned in the trachea & why chere

should be a recommended level?

-Discuses in decalls about Colorimetric CO2 detectors and explain the method of placement and color

change representation that indicate for what exactly?

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