Literature Evaluation Table
In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. The ability to articulate research data and summarize relevant content supports the student’s ability to further develop and synthesize the assignments that constitute the components of the capstone project.
The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.
For this assignment, provide a synopsis of the review of the research literature. Using the “Literature Evaluation Table,” determine the level and strength of the evidence for each of the eight research articles you have selected. The articles should be current (within the last 5 years) and closely relate to the PICOT question developed earlier in this course. The articles may include quantitative research, descriptive analyses, longitudinal studies, or meta-analysis articles. A systematic review may be used to provide background information for the purpose or problem identified in the proposed capstone project.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Literature Evaluation Table In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. The ability to articulate research data and summari
British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT SPB S6 British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT Pressure ulcer prevention in hospitals: a successful nurse-led clinical quality improvement intervention S usceptibility to wounds, including pressure damage, becomes more common after the age of 65, owing to thinning of the epidermis and diminishing immunity. As the UK has an ageing population, wound care is a public health concern. Posnett and Franks (2008) reported that one in five hospital inpatients in the UK has a pressure ulcer. Pressure ulcers are an area of concern in Denmark, which also has an ageing population. Odense University Hospital (OUH) is one of the four university hospitals in Denmark. All medical specialties are represented. OUH is one of the largest education and training centres in the Region of Southern Denmark, and has a close collaboration with the University of Southern Denmark. The hospital has two units: one in the city of Odense and one in?vendborg. In 2010, OUH conducted a prevalence study on pressure ulcers, which showed it to be 32.3% among inpatients. If category 0 pressure ulcers were excluded, the prevalence was 17.3% (Dorsche and Fremmelevholm, 2010). This result prompted action and in 2012 a quality improvement intervention was planned at OUH with the aim of reducing pressure ulcers at the hospital by implementing the recommendations from the Danish Safer Hospital Programme in clinical practice (Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, 2015a). Background Between 2010 and 2014 there was a focus on prevention of adverse events and patient safety at hospitals in Denmark. The Region of Southern Denmark?one of 5 regional health authorities?and OUH had patient safety strategies, and one of the aims was the elimination of pressure ulcers (> category 0) during hospitalisation in the region by the year 2014 (Odense University Hospital, 2011). The Danish Safer Hospital Programme was introduced in 2010 with bundles of recommendations to improve patient safety in hospitals in various clinical areas. Five hospitals participated in the programme and one of the aims was to prevent pressure ulcers developing in hospitalised patients (Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, 2015b). The pressure ulcer bundle was incorporated in guidelines for the region but each hospital decided on its own quality improvement?ethod. OUH was not one of the hospitals in the Danish Safer Hospital Programme. The hospital planned a quality improvement intervention by using the recommendations in the pressure ulcer bundle, and used its own quality improvement method. Aim The aim of the quality improvement intervention was to reduce pressure ulcers by 50% at the hospital and have no pressure ulcers at category 3 (full thickness skin loss) or higher. Pressure ulcers were graded according to the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance system (EPUAP et al, 2014). Method Inspired by different quality improvement methods, a quality improvement intervention for pressure ulcer prevention was planned at the hospital. A steering committee was established with leading nurses (executive director and three head nurses), a clinical nurse specialist in pressure ulcers and an experienced quality consultant. The elements of this quality improvement intervention are discussed below. Establishment of a pressure ulcer specialist?urse A specialist nurse dedicated to pressure ulcer prevention was established at the hospital for a period of 2 years with funds from TrygFonden, a Danish foundation to promote safety. Together with the steering committee, the specialist nurse had overall responsibility for implementation of the ABSTRACT A pressure ulcer prevalence of 17.3% at Odense University Hospital in Denmark in 2010 prompted action and a quality improvement project was planned. This had two aims: to reduce pressure ulcers at the hospital by 50% and to have no pressure ulcers at or above category 3. An project was established with a steering committee, a pressure ulcer specialist nurse, local dedicated nurses and nurse assistants to implement a pressure ulcer bundle in clinical practice at all departments at the hospital. Six years later the pressure ulcer prevalence was down to approximately 2% and in 2018 only one stage 3 pressure ulcer occurred in the hospital. Pressure ulcer prevention is now incorporated into clinical practice in all departments at the hospital. Key words : Pressure ulcer ?Prevention ?Prevalence study ?Quality improvement ?Pressure ulcer specialist nurse Aase Fremmelevholm, Wound Specialist Nurse, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark Knaerke Soegaard , Quality Consultant, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, [email?rotected] Accepted for publication: December 2018 2019 MA Healthcare Ltd British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT SPB S8 British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT guidelines in clinical practice in all 50 departments at the hospital and for the establishment of an internal organisation to support implementation. The specialist nurse also became a consultant that every nurse or nurse assistant at the hospital could contact for supervision and specialist advice in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers and other skin damage, such as incontinence-associated dermatitis. The pressure ulcer nurse was very visible in the departments at OUH and arranged training and bedside instruction in the treatment of pressure ulcers. In 2016, the role of pressure ulcer specialist nurse was made permanent. Steering committee and dedicated local clinicians The steering committee supported the pressure ulcer specialist nurse and encouraged a focus on pressure ulcer prevention among leading nurses at the hospital, for example by initiating audits on documentation of pressure ulcer risk assessment. The committee also supported a theme day on pressure ulcer prevention once a year, as well as establishing an internal structure with a nurse or nurse assistant dedicated to pressure ulcer prevention in all 50 departments at the hospital. These nurses and nurse assistants received one day of training in risk assessment, categorisation of pressure ulcers, and training in the pressure ulcer prevention guidelines from April to July 2012. Along with the leading nurse in their departments, their job was to secure implementation of the guidelines and pressure ulcer prevention by training their?olleagues. The pressure ulcer specialist nurse planned meetings every third month for this group of dedicated nurses and nurse assistants to make time for networking, mutual inspiration and discussions of difficulties in implementation. Guidelines for pressure ulcer prevention The pressure ulcer guidelines for the southern Denmark region are based on the Braden scale (1988), the pressure ulcer bundle from the safer hospital programme and the EPUAP guidelines (EPUAP, 2014). The guidelines prescribe early risk assessment of pressure damage and describes prevention methods and how to document observations and preventive actions (Region of Southern Denmark, 2016). The pressure ulcer bundle from the Danish Safer Hospital Programme (Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, 2015a) states: ? All patients must be risk assessed on admission ? Patients at risk must be risk assessed every day ? Patients at risk must be evaluated for nutritional risk and patients at nutritional risk must have a nutrition plan ? Patients at risk must be mobilised as much as possible by repositioning and the use of pressure-distributive aids must be considered. By the end of the Safer Hospital Programme an analysis concluded that the use of the pressure ulcer bundle can reduce pressure ulcers in hospitals by 50% (COWI consulting group, 2014). Adhering to the programme is time- consuming, but time is saved if the patients develop fewer pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcer prevention theme days Every year since 2014 the hospital has arranged a theme day with a focus on pressure ulcer prevention. The programme consists of presentations from different departments at OUH and presentations about clinical topics from the pressure ulcer specialist nurse. Since 2016 colleagues from primary care have been invited to attend, and during the past 3 years there have been presentations from primary care staff. In 2016 a theme day for clinicians from the other five hospitals and primary healthcare areas in the southern Denmark region was held. In 2018, OUH hosted a presentation by Professor Dimitri Beeckman, President-Elect of EPUAP. Monitoring Between 2012 and 2015 the number of patients with documented risk assessments at admission and documented daily skin checks was counted in all departments at OUH. The pressure ulcer incidence was difficult to measure due to a lack of consequent documentation of pressure ulcers. In Denmark there is a system to register adverse events but it is well known that not all adverse events are registered. OUH therefore monitors pressure ulcers in two ways; pressure ulcer prevalence and counting days with no pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcer prevalence The overall pressure ulcer prevalence was examined once a year by the pressure ulcer specialist nurse to see if the prevalence would decrease year on year. Due to difficulties with documentation we decided to measure by prevalence knowing that the measurement method was not ideal. Patients who already had pressure ulcers at admission were counted as well as those whose pressure ulcers developed during?ospitalisation. The prevalence study was initially inspired by a method prepared by the Videncenteret for S?heling?a wound healing knowledge centre at Bispebjerg Hospital in the Capital Region of Denmark (Bermark, 2009). Inpatients were examined using the following inclusion and exclusion criteria: Inclusion criteria ? All inpatients of more than 15 years of age in all hospital departments, including intensive care units ? All patients who were self-sufficient in their personal care and all patients who were able to mobilise. Exclusion criteria ? Patients with dementia, who were unable to co-operate in the examination (this patient group may have an increased risk of pressure ulcers and so undergoes routine risk?ssessment) ? Patients who did not understand the Danish language ? Patients who did not wish to participate or where their inclusion was unethical for some reason. The examination was performed by two professionals: the pressure ulcer specialist nurse and the dedicated nurse or nurse assistant from the department. All the patients? pressure- exposed areas were examined and pressure ulcers was categorised according to the EPUAP classification system (EPUAP, 2014; EPUAP et al, 2014). The data were recorded in a standard form and the patient record was checked to see if there was any documentation of risk assessment in 2019 MA Healthcare Ltd British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT S11 S10 British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT In 2012 and 2013 five category 3 pressure ulcers and one category 4 pressure ulcer were found during prevalence inspections in OUH. In 2016 and 2017 no pressure ulcers of category 3 or above were found during prevalence studies, but in 2018 there was one category 3 pressure ulcer. The departments at OUH have been counting days without pressure ulcers to keep a focus on prevention. On a few occasions during the project a total count of days without pressure ulcers was made for all departments (Figure? ) . Discussion The pressure ulcer quality improvement intervention at OUH has involved nurses and nurse assistants (and their leaders) in all departments at the hospital. Activities such as an annual pressure ulcer theme day, audits and prevalence studies, along with celebrations of milestones, have secured a focus on pressure ulcer prevention. The pressure ulcer nurse specialist has supported all the local dedicated nurses and nurse assistants as well as their leaders to secure a focus on pressure ulcer prevention in clinical practice every day. Networking between dedicated clinicians has inspired them and they have learned from each other. This quality improvement intervention showed that some departments were more successful than others. In departments with very ill and dependent patients, the job of pressure ulcer prevention was more difficult. However, staff had specialist knowledge of their own patient categories and their risk factors, which helped in pressure ulcer prevention. The pressure ulcer specialist nurse has been available for all nurses and nurse assistants to contact to secure specialist supervision when needed. This has continued after the intervention ended in 2015 and was made a permanent feature. Conclusion The pressure ulcer project, the introduction of the pressure ulcer specialist nurse role and the various activities have led to a focus on pressure ulcer prevention at OUH. The aim was a 50% reduction in pressure ulcers at the hospital, and the results from the prevalence studies and from counting days without pressure ulcers, suggest that this goal has been surpassed. The managerial support was a major reason for this good result, but the increased focus on the pressure ulcer issue nationally, regionally and locally was also significant. Keeping the prevention of pressure ulcers on the hospital?s agenda in the future would benefit both patient wellbeing and the hospital?s economy. Impact on clinical practice The introduction of a pressure ulcer specialist nurse role has, as a side effect, led to several smaller projects at the hospital such as the following: ? A focus on prevention of pressure ulcers in operating rooms at the OUH ? A pressure ulcer reduction among patients with a hip fracture from 15% to 4% by using a parking disc (a sign to remind staff when the patient is due to be turned) and an the patient?s file. All occurrences of pressure ulcers were investigated by the pressure ulcer specialist nurse. The departments were notified in advance of the date of examination in order to keep the staff and patients informed. Counting days with no pressure ulcers Manual registration of days without pressure ulcers was established in each department. This method was dependent on the nurses and nurse assistants registering patients with pressure ulcers every day. Every time a department achieved 200, 300, 400 or 500 days without pressure ulcers, they celebrated the achievement (with a large cake). The celebration was shared on the hospital?s internet site with photographs to inspire staff in other departments. The aim of this method was not to compare the individual departments, because they had different patient populations with different risks. Results Prevalence studies have been conducted since 2012 at OUH in Odense and the unit in Svendborg. Figure 1 presents the improvements that have achieved over the subsequent 6 years. KEY POINTS ?Establishment of a nurse-led project involving a pressure ulcer specialist nurse and dedicated nurses and nurse assistants led to quality improvement in pressure ulcer-related clinical practice in one hospital ?Ongoing focus on prevention is a way to reduce pressure ulcers in clinical practice ?Prevalence studies and daily monitoring of pressure ulcers helped clinicians to focus on a topic in a quality improvement project ?The number of pressure ulcers occurring in a hospital can be reduced by systematic effort and leadership Figure 1. Prevalence of pressure ulcers at Odense University Hospital and Svendborg Hospital, Denmark, 2012 to 2018 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 15 12 9 6 3 0 OdenseSvendborg Percentage 2019 MA Healthcare Ltd British Journal of Nursing 2019, Vol 28, No 6: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT S11 ordinary pillow placed under the patient?s legs to ensure that the heels are not in contact with the surface ? Testing dressings for pressure ulcer prevention in cardiac intensive care, resulting in a reduction of 24% ? A hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA) carried out within a clinical pilot test area in care of the elderly and orthopaedic units at OUH, where two types of static overlays were tested for 6 months. Incidence of pressure ulcers was investigated before and after the implementation ? Presentations by the specialist nurse at several national and international conferences. The pressure ulcer quality improvement project was terminated at the end of 2015, but the work of the pressure ulcer specialist nurse, the local dedicated nurses and nurse assistants continues, as do the annual theme days, prevalence studies and audits. It is important to maintain the results achieved so far and to continue to focus on pressure ulcer prevention. BJN Declaration of interest: none Acknowledgement: the Danish safety foundation ?TrygFonden? has contributed to the quality improvement project by providing funds to establish the pressure ulcer specialist nurse role Braden B, Bergstrom N. The Braden scale for predicting pressure sore risk. 1988. (accessed 14 March 2019) Bermark SE. Seks pr?alensunders?e lser for tryks? p?danske hospitaler. [Six prevalence studies for pressure ulcers in Danish hospitals.] S?. [Wounds.] 2009; 4:203?210. COWI consulting group. Evaluering af Patientsikkert Sygehus. [Evaluation of the Danish Safer Hospital Program.] Lyndby, Denmark: COWI; 2014 Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed. [Danish Society for Patient Safety]. Patientsikkert Sygehus [Danish Safer Hospital Programme.] 2015a. (accessed 14 March 2019) Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed. [Danish Society for Patient Safety.] Tryks?spakken. [The pressure ulcer bundle.] 2015b. y25gs3cf (accessed 14 March 2019) Dorsche KM, Fremmelevholm A. Forekomst af decubitus p?hospital. Occurrence of pressure ulcers in a hospital. Ugeskrift for l?er [Weekly note for Doctors]; 15 March 2010; 601-606 European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. 2014 prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: clinical practice guidelines. 2014. (accessed 14 March 2019) European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: quick reference guide. 2nd edn. 2014. (accessed 14 March 2019) Odense University Hospital Department of Quality, Research, Innovation and Development. Strategi for patientsikkerhed 2012-2014. [Strategy for patients safety 2012-2014]. Odense: Odense University Hospital; 2011 Posnett J, Franks PJ. The burden of chronic wounds in the UK. Nursing Times 2008; 104(3):44-45 Region of Southern Denmark. Tryks? ? forebyggelse [Guideline: pressure ulcer prevention.] Vejle: Region of Southern Denmark; 2016 CPD reflective questions ?Reflect on whether the method implemented in this project could be used as an inspiration for other quality improvement projects in your area ?Think about how the establishment of local dedicated nurses and nurse assistants can support quality improvement in clinical practice ?Think about how quality improvements in clinical practice in your area can be maintained over time Figure 2. Odense University Hospital departments with days without pressure ulcers: March 2015 and December 2017 Number of departments at OUH with days without pressure ulcers: =50 to =1500 days =50 =100 =200 =300 =400 =500 =600 =700 =800 =900 =1000 =1100 =1500 March 2015 December 2017 50 40 30 20 10 0 PRESSURE ULCERS 2019 MA Healthcare Ltd Copyright ofBritish Journal ofNursing isthe property ofMark Allen Publishing Ltdand its content maynotbecopied oremailed tomultiple sitesorposted toalistserv without the copyright holder’sexpresswrittenpermission. However,usersmayprint, download, oremail articles forindividual use.
Literature Evaluation Table In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. The ability to articulate research data and summari
PRESSURE ULCERS British Journal of Nursing 2020, Vol 29, No 12: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT S25 S24 British Journal of Nursing 2020, Vol 29, No 12: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT Static overlays for pressure ulcer prevention: a hospital-based health technology assessment P ressure ulcers (PUs) are a frequently occurring adverse event in hospitals, especially among immobilised patients (Fremmelevholm and Soegaard, 2019). In Denmark, there are no national data for PU prevalence, but studies at four hospitals between 2002 and 2018 showed a PU prevalence of between 14% and 43% (Bermark et al, 2009). A 2007 European study (5947 patients) across 25 hospitals in Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and the UK showed a PU prevalence of 18.1% among admitted patients (Vanderwee et al, 2007). At Odense University Hospital (OUH), the prevalence is assessed yearly and a successful quality improvement intervention has reduced the PU prevalence from 10% in 2012 to 2% in 2018 (Fremmelevholm and Soegaard, 2019). PUs are painful and have severe consequences for patients as well as the economy. In the UK, PUs have been estimated to cost up to 4% of the annual healthcare budget (Bennett et al, 2004). The annual treatment cost of pressure ulcers in the Danish Healthcare System is estimated to be ?174.5 million (?54 million) (Mathiesen et al, 2013) Support surfaces, such as mattresses and overlays, play an important role in PU prevention (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel et al, 2014; Nixon et al, 2019). At OUH, alternating-air mattresses (AAM) are used for patients with a medium to high risk of developing PUs. According to a review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) there are no differences in PU incidence between static mattresses or overlays and AAM (Chou et al, 2013). Qaseem et al (2015) recommended static mattresses or overlays due to their lower costs. Furthermore, AAM are not preferred by patients owing to the reduced ability to move and noise nuisance (Nixon et al, 2019). The use of AAM was increasing at OUH and, in 2016, the cost of renting AAM was ?40 000-48 000 a month. In order to investigate the properties and consequences of implementing static overlays at OUH, a hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA) was conducted. The aim was to investigate the effects of overlays on clinical effectiveness, patient perspectives, and organisational and economic considerations. Owing to confidential information concerning costs of AAM, an economic analysis is not included in this paper. Methods Study design, setting and participants The HTA was based on a literature review and original data from an observational study testing two types of overlays. This article focuses on the observational study. Two types of overlay were tested from August 2017 to January 2018. We used a high-density viscoelastic foam overlay (Tempur – Topper7, TEMPUR-MED, Denmark) and a thermoplastic polyurethane overlay (Stimulite, Zibo Care, Denmark) as alternatives to AAM (Sentry, Hospitech, Denmark). Box 1 g ives examples of comparable overlays. For patients with a medium ABSTRACT Introduction: At Odense University Hospital (OUH) alternating-air mattresses (AAM) are used in the prevention of pressure ulcers (PU); however, static overlays might be more effective and have lower costs. To investigate the properties and consequences of using static overlays for prevention of PU at OUH, a hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA) was conducted. Methods: Two types of static overlays were tested in an observational study and compared with AAM for patients with a medium?high risk of PU in geriatric and orthopaedic wards at OUH. Incidence of PU was investigated 7 months before ( n=720) and 6 months after implementation ( n=837). Staff attitudes were examined in a questionnaire survey ( n=55) and focus group interviews ( n=13). Patients who had tried one of the overlays and the AAM were interviewed ( n=12). Results: No statistical difference in PU incidence was found before and after the implementation of overlays (2.5% before, 2.7% after, P=0.874, n=1557) and no patients lying on overlays developed PU (n=123). Staff had mixed attitudes, but the majority preferred having overlays as an option for their patients. Interviewed patients preferred overlays due to less noise and improved mobility. Conclusion: Both types of overlay are effective in PU prevention. However, overlays introduce challenges for staff and clear guidelines for the selection of support surfaces are needed. Overall, it is recommended that static overlays are considered as an alternative to AAM for PU prevention. Key words : Pressure ulcer ?Prevention ?Health technology assessment ?Static overlay ?Alternating-air mattresses Mette Boeg Horup , Project Manager, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Knaerke Soegaard , PhD candidate, Nurse, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Denmark, [email?rotected] Tue Kj?hede , Project Manager, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Aase Fremmelevholm , Pressure Ulcer Specialist Nurse, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Kristian Kidholm , Professor, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Accepted for publication: June 2020 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd PRESSURE ULCERS British Journal of Nursing 2020, Vol 29, No 12: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT S25 to high risk of developing PUs, the overlays were placed on a standard viscoelastic foam mattress and tested as a supplement to standard care, which was the use of AAM for patients at medium-high risk for PU and standard mattresses for patients not at risk. Thus, there were three types of mattress available during the test period. The overlays were used in a geriatric ward (46 beds) and an orthopaedic ward (23 beds). Each ward had overlay types available for two periods of 3 months as described in Figure? . PU incidence was investigated in both wards for 7 months (January-July?017) before the test periods. The HTA study had four aspects: clinical effect (PU incidence); organisational aspects (staff attitudes); patient perspectives; and economic consequences. However, only the first three parts are included in this paper owing to confidential information in the economic analysis. Inclusion criteria All patients admitted to the two wards in the 7 months prior to implementation of the static overlays and for 6 months after the implementation were included in the study. During the test period, patients lying on AAM on arrival at the ward were moved to a bed with an overlay. The optimal support surface for each patient was chosen at admission by ward nurses and/or a specialist wound care nurse based on risk score (Braden scale; Halfens et al, 2000) and clinical assessment. Some high-risk patients and patients with a category 4 PU remained on AAM for clinical reasons. Patients with PUs at admission were excluded in both periods. Patients lying on a standard mattress on arrival who were moved to a bed with an overlay in the test period were excluded from the study because overlays were meant to replace AAM rather than standard mattresses. Data sources, variables and analyses Clinical effectiveness A specialist wound care nurse examined all admitted patients on the wards for PUs three times a week during the study period and recorded the type of support surface and whether the patient had developed a PU. The average number of hospital days for patients in the two departments was 6 days, and, with examination three times per week, it was possible to examine all patients at the beginning of their hospitalisation and before discharge. Fisher?s exact test was calculated using the statistical software package SPSSv24 to investigate statistical difference in PU incidence before and after implementation of overlays. Organisational perspectives Staff attitudes were investigated using both a questionnaire survey and semi-structured focus group interviews. ?Questionnaire : nurses and nurse assistants from the two wards, who had experience with patients lying on an overlay, were invited to participate in the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was set up using the SurveyXact survey tool and distributed by an email with unique links to the online questionnaire. In order to increase the response rate, three reminders were sent in the first period and two in the second period. We sent 147 questionnaires and Figure 1. Set-up and data collection. The two types of overlays were tested in two different wards in a period of 3 months each. Pressure ulcer incidence was monitored before (7 months) and during the two 3-month test periods. Staff attitude s and patient perspectives were investigated at the end of each test period Set -up Orthopaedic ward Geriatric ward Alternating- air mattress ?Stimulite? overlay Tempur overlay ?Tempur? overlay ?Stimulite? overlay Data collection Clinical effects Incidence of pressure ulcers: all admitted patients were examined by a specialist wound care nurse Organisational aspects: staff attitudes Questionnaire survey: round 1 Questionnaire survey: round 2 Focus group interviews Patient perspectives Interviews: round 2 Interviews: round 2 1 Jan 2017 1 Aug 2017 30 Oct 2017 31 Jan 2018 Implementat ion Before Af ter 7 months 3 months 3 months Box 1. Examples of comparable static viscoelastic foam overlays including those used in the health technology assessment Basic Top: ZiboCare Stimulite: ZiboCare TEMPUR ? Topper7: TEMPUR-MED Pentaflex: ArjoHuntleigh 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd PRESSURE ULCERS British Journal of Nursing 2020, Vol 29, No 12: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT S27 S26 British Journal of Nursing 2020, Vol 29, No 12: TISSUE VIABILITY SUPPLEMENT received 55 responses. Using a five-point Likert scale, the respondents were asked to assess: (a) the level of difficulty of different tasks when taking care of patients lying on overlays compared with AAM (ie personal care); (b) their agreement with statements regarding the procedure of selection of support surface and patient comfort; and (c) which of the support surfaces they preferred. Data from the questionnaire survey were analysed using descriptive statistics ?Focus group
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