Make sure to include an introduction, body, and conclusion and use APA references. The length of the paper is up to you; however, in all likeliness, less than 5 to 6 pages of content?will be insufficient.
It is highly recommended that you use subheadings in this paper.
This is not a difficult paper and I have confidence that all of you will do well.
The field of organizational behavior can be organized around three levels: individual level, team level, and organizational level. In other words, some theories focus on factors influencing individual behavior (e.g., personality, motivation). Some theories focus on factors influencing team or group behaviors (e.g., group development, conflict, roles). Still, other theories focus on factors that tend to operate at an organizational level (e.g., structure, culture, leadership).
During the course, you have studied a variety of theories and perspectives at all these levels. Which ones seem most meaningful to you?
For your last paper:
- Select one theory or perspective that you have studied that seems to be an individual level theme. One that you have studied that seems to be a team level theme. And one that you have studied that seems to be an organizational level theme. Summarize what those theories are and why each pertains to its corresponding level (individual, team, or organization).
- Analyze those three theories based on this question:?hy do people do what they do in organizations? That is, how do the theories you have selected help explain ?organizational behavior??
- What are the?hallenges, problems, or difficulties?n behavior as suggested by each of your theories?
- What are the?otential strategies and solutions?to the challenges) as suggested by your theories?
- How do your three theories seem to fit together??ow do they?eem to interact with each other? What important lessons?an you derive from thinking about the interaction of the theories?
****Please open the link below for a refresher on Individual, Group, and Organizational level Analysis
Make sure to include an introduction, body, and conclusion and use APA references. The length of the paper is up to you; however, in all likeliness, less than 5 to 6 pages of content will be insuffic
Your Name MGT3002: Organizational Behavior Professor (or Dr.) First name Last name Date T his paper outline is to be used to complete this assignment. CAUTION: Do not us this outline without reading the entire assignment (including expected page length) to ensure you have the entire context to which this paper should be written. Place your introduction paragraph here. It should be five or six sentences and provide the reader with some perspective about your topic. APA 7th edition asks you ?Limit the use of ?I? and ?you? in academic writing?. Although the introduction does not contain all details, it should provide an overall outline of the subtopics you will cover in your paper. Readers should be able to read your introductory paragraph and have a good understanding of what to learn from your paper. Be sure to use APA format throughout your paper. Font should be Times New Roman 12 pt. and double space between lines. Organizational Behavior Theories In this section of your paper address this part of the assignment and grading rubric. Select one theory or perspective that you have studied that seems to be an individual level theme. One that you have studied that seems to be a team level theme. And one that you have studied that seems to be an organizational level theme. Summarize what those theories are and why each pertains to its corresponding level (individual, team, or organization).Remember to include credible research to support your statements. Avoid opinions unless the assignment specifically asks for them (rare in most courses). Your own thoughts are encouraged but look to support your thoughts with credible research from textbooks or library. Remember, to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. Do not include these helpful outline instructions in the final paper submitted. Hint: Your textbook readings assist in how OB study can be broken down into studying OB at the individual level, team level, and organizational level. Good, but also emphasize ?why? why the theory pertains to its corresponding level and support it. Do not assume reader will know. {Theory #1 – insert name of theory} Summarize the theory and defend why it pertains to the individual level of organizational behavior study. {Theory #2 – insert name of theory} Summarize the theory and defend why it pertains to the team level of organizational behavior study. Should be about the characteristics of the group or team– A group consists of two or more people who interact to achieve their goals. A team is a group in which the members work together intensively and develop a specific routine to achieve a common goal. A virtual team is a group in which the members collaborate intensively with the help of electronic tools and who may never meet each other in real life. What factors tell us that the theory pertains to the team level? Could it be the number of group members, the group composition, the diversity of the group members and the tasks they have to perform influence not only the behavior of the group as a whole but also the behavior of the individuals within the group? {Theory #3 – insert name of theory} Summarize the theory and defend why it pertains to the organizational level of organizational behavior study. Two characteristics of an organization as a whole have important effects on the behavior of individuals and groups: Organizational culture (values and beliefs). The organizational culture influences the attitudes of people and therefore their will to achieve goals. Organizational structure. The main purpose of an organizational structure is to promote the hard work of people and to coordinate their efforts to ensure a high level of performance of the organization. Explaining Behavior In this section of your paper address this part of the assignment and grading rubric. Using the same three theories, analyze how each theory helps explain why people do what they do (organizational behavior). Remember to include credible research to support your statements. Avoid opinions unless the assignment specifically asks for them (rare in most courses). Your own thoughts are encouraged but look to support your thoughts with credible research from textbooks or library. Remember to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. Do not include these helpful outline instructions in the final paper submitted. {Theory #1 – insert name of theory} Analyze how this theory helps explain behavior at the individual level. Remember to include credible research to support your statements. Avoid opinions unless the assignment specifically asks for them (rare in most courses). Your own thoughts are encouraged but look to support your thoughts with credible research from textbooks or library. Remember to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. Do not include these helpful outline instructions in the final paper submitted. Flesh this out a bit-Use a specific example including the perspective or theory to explain behavior at the individual level. {Theory #2 – insert name of theory} Analyze how this theory helps explain behavior at the team level. Use a specific example including the perspective or theory to explain behavior at the group level. Getting close. Try to follow this: Use specific examples at different levels–To have a clear understanding on the topic and avoid any kind of confusion let?s look at an example: James is interested in becoming a singer as he is interested in music and feels he can do better in this field. While his parents force him to pursue his job as a software engineer, as according to his father?s perception a software job pays well and is far better than struggling to become a singer. In this case, we see James and his father have a clash of opinions, hence this is a case of individual level of analysis. Extending this example further, if James seeks help from his friends on this matter his friends will support him as they have the same mindset support the idea of following their own dreams, struggling and achieving their goal. Meanwhile James’ father?s friend circle might find the idea of pursuing singing as a career insane and support his father?s decision of opting for a software. Here we see two different groups of people with contradicting ideologies, this becomes a case of group level of analysis. {Theory #3 – insert name of theory} Analyze how this theory helps explain behavior at the organizational level. Use a specific example including the perspective or theory to explain behavior at the group level. Structure, ?ulture is?n effective control mechanism for dictating employee behavior. Theoretical Challenges In this section of your paper address this part of the assignment and grading rubric. Using the same three theories, evaluated the challenges or problems that each of your theories suggests. Remember to include credible research to support your statements. Avoid opinions unless the assignment specifically asks for them (rare in most courses). Your own thoughts are encouraged but look to support your thoughts with credible research from textbooks or library. Remember, to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. Do not include these helpful outline instructions in the final paper submitted. {Theory #1 – insert name of theory} Evaluate the challenges or problems in your chosen individual theory. Propose the strategies or solutions (to the challenges) that each of your theory suggests. Remember to include credible research to support your statements. There are pros and cons to every OB theory—you need to articulate that. Evaluate the challenges or problems in your chosen individual theory. Propose the strategies or solutions (to the challenges) that each of your theory suggests. Remember to include credible research to support your statements. Avoid opinions unless the assignment specifically asks for them (rare in most courses). Your own thoughts are encouraged but look to support your thoughts with credible research from textbooks or library. Remember to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. {Theory #2 – insert name of theory} Evaluate the challenges or problems in your chosen team theory. Propose the strategies or solutions (to the challenges) that each of your theory suggests. {Theory #3 – insert name of theory} Evaluate the challenges or problems in your chosen organizational theory. Propose the strategies or solutions (to the challenges) that each of your theory suggests. We know that culture is?n effective control mechanism for dictating employee behavior, but it would be helpful to explain a specific problem related to how an organizational culture can control people creating a challenge in the process. Use a specific example. How would you fix the problem with a solution? Theory Fit and Lessons Learned In this section of your paper address this part of the assignment and grading rubric. Using the same three theories, explain how your three theories might fit together and key lessons you can derive. Remember, to include credible research to support your statements. Avoid opinions unless the assignment specifically asks for them (rare in most courses). Your own thoughts are encouraged but look to support your thoughts with credible research from textbooks or library. Remember, to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. Do not include these helpful outline instructions in the final paper submitted. What have you learned conceptually and around the theoretical framework that you presented in terms of the three levels of analysis. How might you apply the learning in the real world in a practical sense? Where do the theories overlap and where are they don’t. Conclusion In your conclusion restate your main topic/thesis and provide an overview of the main points of your paper. Remember to indent all paragraphs and check spelling and grammar. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences. Be sure to delete all instructions on the outline before submitting your paper. Thank you for the Final. Please review the feedback in your paper and let me know of you have any questions. I am not sure why you did not use the required template headings. References American Psychological Association. (year). Article title: Capital letter also for subtitle. Name of Journal, volume#(issue#), pg#-pg#. Author(s) of essay or chapter. (year). Title of essay or chapter. In F. M. Lastname (Ed.), Book title (pages of essay or chapter). Publisher. Freud, S. (year). Article title. Name of Journal, volume(issue), pages. Pavlov, I., Jung, C., & Freud, S. (year of last update, month day). Webpage title. Source or hosting webpage. Ramirez, A. T. (year). Book title. Publisher. Skinner, B. F., &Ferster, C. B. (year). Article title: Capital letter also for subtitle. Name of Journal, volume#(issue#), pg#-pg#. Stein, D. J., Friedman, M. J., & Blanco, C. (Eds.). (year). Book title (edition, Vol. #). Publisher.
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