Endocrine Medication and Associated System Disorder
Select an endocrine medication and associated system disorder to complete the associated worksheets (system disorder and medication) and write an analysis (body has to be a minimum of 300 words) describing how the selected medication class relates to the selected systems disorder.
Please follow the attached guidelines to complete the worksheets and paper. APA 7th edition for paper and all citations. Please use a separate word document to make a separate reference page for the worksheets. Please use scholarly sources less than 5 years old only.
DUE 10/18/20 at 10PM, Eastern standard time.
Endocrine Medication and Associated System Disorder Select an endocrine medication and associated system disorder to complete the associated worksheets (system disorder and medication) and write an an
1 NR 293 Pharmacology Pharmacology Module and Active Learning Activity NR293 Pharmacology Active Learning Activity V3 Revised : 04/2020 11 Purpose To expand understanding and application pharmacologic concepts using media tutorials, NCLEX style test questions, and integration of these concepts to support critical thinking. Course outcomes : This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome s: CO1 : Apply the concepts of pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenomics to the use of specific medication classifications in specific health conditions and in consideration of medication side /adverse effects, nursing implications, and medication teaching. (POs 1, 2, and 3) CO2 : Apply principles of health promotion, as well as illness and injury prevention, to promote safety and effectiveness of commonly used pharmacologic therapy across the li fespan, taking into consideration sociocultural, genetic/genomic, developmental, and gender implications. (POs 3 and 8) CO3 : Utilize the nursing process in understanding the effects of drug therapy on health outcomes across the lifespan within the framewor k of a diverse population of individuals, families, and communities. (PO 4) CO4 : Examine the professional nursing roles of care manager, educator, researcher, and advocate in relation to pharmacologic therapy and within the framework of a diverse populatio n of individuals, families, and communities. (POs 6 and 7) Due date : Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due . The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. Total points possible: 50 points Preparing the assignment Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. 1. Log into ATI and select the ?Learn? tab. Click on ?Pharmacology Made Easy.? In the box that opens, select the following modules to be completed i n the weeks they are assigned . Each module and post quiz is worth up to 25 points (25 points/50%) : ? Introduction to Pharmacology and 25 -item quiz ? Neurologic system and 25 -item quiz ? Cardiovascular system and 25 -item quiz ? Endocrine System and 25 -item quiz 2. Actual points earned will be based on the percentage earned on first attempt multiplied by total points possible. ? Example: The assignment is worth 25 points, and you get 50% of the que stions correct, you will earn 12.5 rounded to 13 points (50% X 25 divid ed by 100% = 12.5 rounded to 13 ). ? If you score less than 79% on the first attempt, you must submit a 150 word reflection on three clinical points that can be used in nursing practice using information from the module ( if reflection not submitted, you will no t receive points for additional attempts). ? You may retake the module and test once , after a 24 -hour lock -out between attempts to score additional points as follows (Note: total score with additional points cannot be greater than 100%): Additional percentag e s core (based on second attempt). Score between 90 -100%, gain an additional 5% to first score. Score between 79 -89%, gain an additional 3% to first score . ? Obtain the Active Learning Templates (ALTs) titled ?Medication? and ?System Disorder? from your ATI Account. 2 NR 293 Pharmacology Pharmacology Module and Active Learning Activity NR293 Pharmacology Active Learning Activity V3 Revised : 04/2020 21 3. Complete one ALT for the selected drug classes and one ALT for the associated system disorder : ? Week 1 sele ct an anti -infective medication and associated system disorder (i.e. penicillin and pneumonia) . ? Week 3 select a neurologic medication and associated system disorder . ? Week 5 select a cardiovascular medication and associated system disorder . ? Week 6 select an endocrine medication and associated system disorder. 4. Include the following sections for each Medication ALT (examples are available below ). (8 points/ 16 %) ? Medication – Medication Type ? Category Class – Drug class ? Expected Pharmacological Action ? Therapeutic Uses ? Complications ? Medication Administration ? Contraindications ? Nursing Interventions ? Interactions ? Evaluation o f Medication Effectiveness ? Client Education 5. Select a disease process that the selected medication treats. Be sure that you have not previously completed a systems disorder ALT for this disease process. (8 points/16 %) a. Complete ONLY following sections: i. Alter ations in Health ii. Pathophysiology Related to Client Problem iii. Health Promotion & Disease Prevention iv. Assessment 1. Risk Factors 2. Expected Findings 3. Laboratory Tests 4. Diagnostic Procedures v. Patient -Centered Care 1. Medications 6. Write an analysis describing how the selected medication class relates to t he selected systems disorder. (6 points/12 %) ? 300 words minimum. ? A strong connection and correlation are made between the selected medication and disease process. ? Be prepared to present and/or submit your templates and analysis. 7. Your work will be evaluated on the following criteria. (3 points/ 6%) ? Fewer than three unique errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling are present. ? Information is handwritten and legible. ? APA (current edition ) formatting used with in -text citations and references when applicable. For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit?h e?PA?itation and Writing Assistanc e?age in the online library .?lease note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module . NR2 93 Pharmacology Active Learning Activity NR293 Pharmacology Active Learning Activity V3 Revised : 04/2020 31 G rading Rubric Criteria are met when the student?s application of knowledge within the paper demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment. Assignment Section and Required Criteria (Points possible/% of total points available) Highest Level of Performance High Level of Performance Satisfactory Level of Performance Unsatisfactory Level of Performance Section not present in paper Module and Post Test Score (25 points/5 0%) 1. Actual points earned will be based on the percentage earned on first attempt multiplied by total points possible. (Exampl e: If the assignment is worth 25 points, and you get 50% of the quest ions correct, you will earn 13 points (12.5 rounded to 13) . (25 x .50 (.50 = 50%) = 12.5 rounded to 13 points ). 2. You may retake the module and test, after a 24 -hour lock -out between attempts to score additional points as follows (Note: total score with additional points cannot be greater than 100%): 3. Additional percentage s core (based on second attempt). Score between 90 -100%, gain a n additional 5% to first score. Score between 79 -89%, gain an additional 3% to first score . Medication Active Learning Template (8 points/ 16 %) 8 points 7 points 6 points 3 points 0 points Required criteria 1. Medication – Medication Type 2. Category Class – Drug Class 3. Expected Pharmacological Action 4. Therapeutic Uses 5. Complications 6. Medication Administration 7. Contraindications 8. Nursing Interventions 9. Interactions 10. Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness 11. Client Education Includes all listed required criteria. Includes 7 to 10 required criteria . Includes 3 to 6 required criteria . Includes 1 to 2 required criteria . No criteria for this section present. Systems Disorder Active Learning Template (8 points/ 16 %) 8 points 6 points 5 points 3 points 0 points Required criteria 1. Alterations in Health 2. Pathophysiology Related to Client Problem 3. Health Promotion & Disease Prevention 4. Assessment Includes all listed required criteria. Includes 4 required criteria . Includes 3 required criteria . Includes 1 to 2 required criteria . No criteria for this section present. NR2 93 Pharmacology Active Learning Activity NR293 Pharmacology Active Learning Activity V3 Revised : 04/2020 41 o Risk Factors o Expected Findings o Laboratory Tests o Diagnostic Procedures 5. Patient -Centered Care o Medications Analysis of Relationship (6 points/ 12 %) 6 points 5 points 4 points 2 points 0 points Required criteria 1. 300 words minimum. 2. A strong connection and correlation are made between the selected medication and systems disorder. 3. Is prepared to present and/or submit your templates and analysis. Includes all listed required criteria . Includes 2 required criteria . Includes 1 required criteria . Includes 1 criteria but poor quality . No criteria for this section present. Spelling, Grammar, APA, and Presentation (3 points/ 6%) 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points Required criteria 1. Fewer than three unique errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling are present. 2. Information is legible . 3. APA formatting used with in -text citations and references when applicable. All criteria met . Includes 3 unique errors and/or information is legible . APA formatting is used as applicable. Includes 4 or more unique errors and/or information is not legible . APA formatting is used as applicable. No cr iteria for this section present and/or APA formattin g not used when applicable. Total Points Possible = 50 points
Endocrine Medication and Associated System Disorder Select an endocrine medication and associated system disorder to complete the associated worksheets (system disorder and medication) and write an an
0 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 Your Name (without credentials) Chamberlain University College of Nursing Course Number: Course Name Name of Instructor Assignment Due Date Title of Your Paper in Upper and Lower Case (Centered, Bold) Type your introduction here and remove the instructions. Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled ?Introduction? is used. Refer to your assignment instructions for the headings to be used for the body of the paper. There are additional resources located in your courses and the Chamberlain Library. Level 1 Paper Heading (Bold and centered) Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions. Level Two Heading (If required) (Bold and starts at left margin) Type additional content here if a section with a subheading is needed. Next Level Two Heading Continue to add content in this section. Next Level 1 Heading Levels of headings will depend on the length and organization of your paper. Use as many headings as necessary and required to organize your paper. Short papers may only have level 1 headings. Longer papers may require more organizational detail. See your APA Manual for additional instructions on formatting multiple levels of headings. Conclusion Papers should end with a conclusion or summary. The assignment directions will specify which is required. It should be concise and contain no new information. No matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate page (insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will start on a new page). References (centered, bold) Type your reference here using hanging indent and double line spacing (under ?Paragraph? on the Home toolbar ribbon). See your APA Manual and the resources in the APA section of Resources for reference formatting.
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