Assignment: Databases and Record Keeping (Course Project Part 3) TIPS FOR THE COURSE PROJECT THIS WEEK: Please see the attachment for additional information like the Project Overview Course Project i

Assignment: Databases and Record Keeping (Course Project Part 3)


Please see the attachment for additional information like the Project Overview Course Project information and the Apple Group Case used for the course project.

The table was started for you as an example in?he assignment.?I would suggest that you use the example table given, choose 5 more departments from the list given, and add them on to the existing table that was given as an example.

After you have completed the table, then you need to write a brief ?ata retention plan explaining how the data will be gathered, captured, structured, stored, protected, and retrieved.?What does this mean??Think about the various types of data in the EHR ? how will the data be captured to get put into the system??How will it be structured once it is in the system??How will it be stored in the system??How will it be protected in the system??When it is needed, how will it be retrieved back out of the system? ?o show you have answered all these and help you keep track,?t might be helpful to make each of these questions a heading in your paper.

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate application and evaluation of compliance with state and local regulations, as well as a variety of modern data capture and data storage techniques.

Examples include:

Administrative Functions

Human resources functions-hiring, termination, employee benefits

Billing office-coding and billing, accounts receivable

Admissions, discharge and transfer-ADT system

Patient Care Functions





For each department and function that you identify, prepare a table examining types of data kept by that department, the urgency for having availability of information, and potential methods for storage. For example:


Once completed, your data retention plan should include the following:

A summary of the data needs for the organization, the management of the needed use and access and the storage requirements to maintain sufficient data to support the patient?s care.

A breakdown of the requirements (both business and user) related to gathering, capturing, structuring, storing, protecting, and retrieving data.

This plan should be 3-5 pages in length. It must be in APA format, if any quotes done in the assignment please Use in-text citations.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document

Assignment: Databases and Record Keeping (Course Project Part 3) TIPS FOR THE COURSE PROJECT THIS WEEK: Please see the attachment for additional information like the Project Overview Course Project i
Week 6- Assignment, Rubric, & Lesson Content Assignment: Databases and Record Keeping (Course Project Part 3) TIPS FOR THE COURSE PROJECT THIS WEEK:?Please see the attachment for additional information like the Project Overview Course Project information and the Apple Group Case used for the course project. The table was started for you as an example in?he assignment.?I would suggest that you use the example table given, choose 5 more departments from the list given, and add them on to the existing table that was given as an example.? After you have completed the table, then you need to write a brief paper explaining how the data will be gathered, captured, structured, stored, protected, and retrieved.?What does this mean??Think about the various types of data in the EHR ? how will the data be captured to get put into the system??How will it be structured once it is in the system??How will it be stored in the system??How will it be protected in the system??When it is needed, how will it be retrieved back out of the system? ?o show you have answered all these and help you keep track,?t might be helpful to make each of these questions a heading in your paper. Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate application and evaluation of compliance with state and local regulations, as well as a variety of modern data capture and data storage techniques. Examples include: Administrative Functions Human resources functions-hiring, termination, employee benefits Billing office-coding and billing, accounts receivable Admissions, discharge and transfer-ADT system Patient Care Functions Radiology Laboratory Pharmacy Nursing For each department and function that you identify, prepare a table examining types of data kept by that department, the urgency for having availability of information, and potential methods for storage. For example: Department/function Types of data Urgency Storage Needs Admissions, Discharge, Transfers Patient identification and demographics: Address, phone, insurance types Immediate availability for current inpatientsRetrievable within one hour after discharge Database ADT tables on an active serverStored on reserve disk drives Dietary Prescribed patient diet Immediate for inpatients Archived EHR post discharge Contained in EHR on active server Once completed, your data retention plan should include the following: A summary of the data needs for the organization, the management of the needed use and access and the storage requirements to maintain sufficient data to support the patient?s care. A breakdown of the requirements (both business and user) related to gathering, capturing, structuring, storing, protecting, and retrieving data. This plan should be 3-5 pages in length. It must be in APA format, if any quotes done in the assignment please Use in-text citations. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document Rubric: Criteria Points Provided a summary, in table format, of the data needs of the organization, including both patient and clinical administrative data -?HOOSE 5 from the list given Provided, user and technical business and technical requirements for the EHR project which include the gathering, entering, storing, protecting and retrieving data. ?EE TIPS FOR THIS PART OF THE PAPER ABOVE 10 3-5 pages follows standard mechanics in writing, spelling, and grammar. It must be in APA format with In-text citation. Total 20 Lesson Content: Project Overview Throughout the course you will build a plan for delivering an EHRS system to a healthcare facility. This plan will cover several of the phases of the project lifecycle, from establishing business requirements to planning what will be required to support and maintain the system once it is up and running. In order to complete this project, click on the link below to review and print the Good Apples Group Case. This document describes the Good Apples Group facility, the way they do business, and the need they have for an EHRS. Each component of the project is based on the needs of the Good Apples Group. You will be building a plan for delivering an EHRS system to Good Apples Group. Good Apples Group Case If the above link will not open, please copy and paste the link below into a browser: Due Date Your final project is due in Module 10. There are individual assignments along the way. The module they are due is noted in the timeline below. Timeline Module Assignment 01 Introduction 03 Business and User Requirements Draft (Course Project Part 1) 04 Project Plan Draft (Course Project Part 2) 06 Data Retention Draft (Course Project Part 3) 09 Support and Maintenance Requirements Draft (Course Project Part 4) 10 Final Course Project Due (Parts 1-4) Requirements Your final paper must 10 – 20 pages long. It should demonstrate an understanding of the problem expressed in the Good Apples Group case, and should present valid, accurate recommendations in each section. The final paper should incorporate feedback from your instructor on all the individual assignments and should be free of grammatical or spelling errors. The final paper will consist of: Cover Page Business and User Requirements Section EHR Project Plan Section Data Retention Plan Section Support and Maintenance Requirements Section Evaluation Each assignment leading up to the final assignment is evaluated and graded independently. Your instructor will provide specific grading criteria for each step of the project prior to its due date. Data Retention Planning A risk often associated with converting any record-keeping system to electronic media is the possibility of data loss. Network outages, hard disk failures, and power surges are among the many things that could cause the data stored in an electronic health records system to become unavailable, either temporarily or permanently. The impact of such an outage could be catastrophic, affecting not only service and billing, but also ultimately the ability of healthcare providers to properly treat patients. The first line of defense against such an outage lies in a carefully planned information architecture, which will be discussed in a later module. Short of disaster, however, a healthcare organization must have a clear plan for how data will be retained and made available as a matter of business. Consider the following questions: Do all patient records need to be retrievable immediately, or is it possible to archive records of patients no longer visiting the facility regularly? Is personnel information stored in the information system? Are there records that must be permanently stored, such as birth and death records? Are records being obtained from other sources (such as the records of a doctor joining the facility) that are incompatible with the current IT system? Based on the needs of the organization, relevant laws and regulations, and the practical considerations listed above, a data retention plan should be drafted that all staff of the organization will be trained to abide by. This data retention plan should specify the following: How will records be obtained (including who is authorized to enter data in the system)? How will incompatible records be stored? How will active data be accessed (including from where and by whom)? How will data be determined to be inactive? How will data be classified for retention purposes (birth records, patient visit data, surgical procedures, master patient index, etc.)? How will data be archived (backed up to physical media such as a DVD, or transmitted to an online archival system)? How will data be destroyed? A data retention plan containing policies for each of these processes will provide guidance for the entire lifecycle of the organization’s information.

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