Two large multispecialty medical groups have recently asked you to conduct audits using the BCG matrix. For the first group, your analysis reveals the following distribution of services: Cash cows?65

Two large?ultispecialty?edical groups have recently asked you to conduct audits using the BCG matrix. For the first group, your analysis reveals the following distribution of services:

  • Cash cows?65 percent;
  • Stars?10 percent;
  • Problem children?20 percent;
  • Dogs?5 percent.

In the second group, the distribution is:

  • Cash cows?20 percent;
  • Stars?60 percent;
  • Problem children?15 percent;
  • Dogs?5 percent.

Provide your analysis to each group and how you reached your analysis.

2 references

500 word count

No references older than 5 years old

APA format

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