Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included. ?he assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high t

Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included. ?he assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high turnitin similarity.

Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included. ?he assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high t
HCM 320 Milestone One Template Use this template to compile important information and resources for your final project presentation. Public Health Issue Topic: Identify the public health issue you will use as a basis for your final project presentation. Briefly describe why you choose this topic. Economic Forces: Briefly describe some economic forces related to your public health issue. Macroeconomic Forces: Microeconomic Forces: Key Regulation Policy: Determine economic policies or regulations that currently apply to your public health issue. Benefits and Consequences: Identify the perceived benefits and consequences resulting from the legislation supporting your public health issue. Impact of Regulation or Policy: Describe the economic impact resulting from the legislation supporting your public health issue. References: Provide links or citations for three scholarly resources that you will use to support your ideas regarding your public health issue. 1. 2. 3.
Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included. ?he assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high t
HCM320MilestoneOneGuidelinesandRubricOverview:Afterreviewingtherequirementsinthefinalprojectdocument,explorethefourfocusareasidentifiedbytheRobertWoodJohnsonFoundation.Fromthesebroadtopics,identifyaspecificpublichealthissuetouseasthebasisforyourfinalprojectpresentation.Forexample,ifyouareinterestedinmentalhealthasabroadtopic,youmaynarrowyourfocusandselecthealthcareforveteransasyourspecifictopic.Usingthetemplateprovided,begintocompileimportantinformationandresourcesthatyoucanusetodevelopyourpresentation.Prompt:Selectaspecificpublichealthissuetouseasthebasisforyourfinalprojectpresentation.Specifically,thefollowingcriticalelementsmustbeaddressed:I.Identifyanddescribeaspecificpublichealthissue.II.Describethemacro-andmicroeconomicforcesrelatedtoyourpublichealthissue.III.Determinekeypoliciesorregulationsthatcurrentlyapplytoyourpublichealthissue.IV.Identifytheperceivedbenefitsandconsequencesresultingfromthelegislationsupportingyourpublichealthissue.V.Identifytheeconomicimpactresultingfromthelegislationsupportingyourpublichealthissue.VI.Providelinksorcitationsforreferencesthatyouwillusetosupportyourideasregardingyourpublichealthissue.RubricGuidelinesforSubmission:Yourintroductionmustbesubmittedasacompletedworksheet.CriticalElementsProficient(100%)NeedsImprovement(75%)NotEvident(0%)ValuePublicHealthIssueIdentifiesaspecificpublichealthissueforthepurposeofahealthissuepresentationIdentifiesapublichealthissue,buttheissueisnotspecificDoesnotidentifyapublichealthissue15EconomicForcesDescribesmacro-andmicroeconomicforcesthatapplytoapublichealthissueDescribesmacro-andmicroeconomicforces,butitisnotclearhowtheforcesidentifiedapplytothepublichealthissueDoesnotdescribemacro-andmicroeconomicforces16PoliciesorRegulationsDescribeseconomicpoliciesorregulationsthatapplytoapublichealthissueDescribeseconomicpoliciesorregulations,butitisnotclearhowtheyapplytoapublichealthissueDoesnotdescribeeconomicpoliciesorregulations16BenefitsandConsequencesIdentifiestheperceivedbenefitsandconsequencesresultingfromthelegislationsupportingapublichealthissueIdentifiesonlytheperceivedbenefitsorconsequencesresultingfromthelegislationsupportingapublichealthissueDoesnotidentifytheperceivedbenefitsandconsequencesresultingfromthelegislationsupportingapublichealthissue16EconomicImpactDescribestheeconomicimpactresultingfromthelegislationsupportingapublichealthissueDescribestheeconomicimpactresultingfromthelegislationsupportingapublichealthissue,butdescriptionlacksdetailDoesnotdescribetheeconomicimpactresultingfromthelegislationsupportingapublichealthissue16 ReferencesProvidesscholarlyreferencestosupportideasonapublichealthissueProvidesreferencesthatarenotscholarly,oritisnotclearhowreferenceswillsupportideasonapublichealthissueDoesnotprovidereferencestosupportideasonpublichealthissue16ArticulationofResponseSubmissionhasnomajorerrorsrelatedtocitations,grammar,spelling,syntax,ororganizationSubmissionhasmajorerrorsrelatedtocitations,grammar,spelling,syntax,ororganizationthatnegativelyimpactreadabilityandarticulationofmainideasSubmissionhascriticalerrorsrelatedtocitations,grammar,spelling,syntax,ororganizationthatpreventunderstandingofideas5Total100%
Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included. ?he assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high t
HCM 320 NAME: INSTITUTION: Southern New Hampshire University HCM 320 Comparison of health outcomes The Kansas city has several counties although am going to discuss Johnson and Wyandotte which are just opposite and close to each other and despite of this, there are differences in the styles which people of the both locations live under and their health status that am going to discuss in my essay. According to the case above, we have the major health inputs that include diet, activities, alcohol and tobacco usage. There are also other inputs which the case has not focused on that includes the finances, good environmental conditions, heath workers and medical equipment?s. (Kudzma, E. C. 2017). According to the article, people have to participate in physical activities and taking appropriate diets. According to Lee, we are able to learn that Wyandotte County the percentage of people who are suffering from obesity is 37%, the smokers are 92% while for those who do not participate in physical activities is 72%. This has led be to inference that these people have less access to healthcare when compared to Johnson. The overall cost of health in our society today is one the increase with health insurances having less impacts. In the Wyandotte County we are surprised to find out that there is 183% more people who do not have health insurance coverage when compared to Johnson County. The citizens have deductibles that are higher which include their monthly costs and this undermines their health insurance coverage. According to my thinking, there is no need to have an insurance coverage if at all you will be visiting the physicians for slight illnesses that you can pay in cash although this is risking since you can?t predict when you will suffer from a major illness that require more money. Hence the best option is to have an insurance cover for the future is not predictable. According to the article, there are generally fewer primary care physicians in the Wyandotte County, it is important to remember that these primary care physicians are vital in our lives since they help to come up with better options when it comes to our lifestyles and be healthier. There are a number of disadvantages that will be associated with physicians who are fewer including having to wait for long after appointments hence some patients may not be able to access them which means that their health will deteriorate. This is the point at which the federal governments should come in and subsidize the total cost of accessing health such that even the poor will have access. There are a number of programs that have been directed at assisting the poor families today including; Medicaid and Medicare. It is the task of federal government to conduct health benchmarking in other countries that have performed better including France where their cost of health access has reduced significantly (up to half) and it has been marked by increased life expectancy. I would have different answers if I was a citizen of Wyandotte County since we have to ?wear the shoes? of its residents so as to get a full picture of what is happening. According to the article, we are able to find out a number of initiatives that have been put in place so as to ensure people of this county have better health they include; ?20 miles of sidewalk, 20 miles of trails and 20 miles of bikeways among others? that have been cited in the essay. Wyandotte County may come up with ways that can be used to improve their health together with why they are relatively poor. (Barry, M. M. 2019). References Kudzma, E. C. (2017). Health promotion throughout the life span-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Barry, M. M. (2019). Implementing mental health promotion. Springer Nature.

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