Measuring Diversity in a Social Environment

Introduce a sociological topic and explain its importance for understanding diversity.

This is a multi question paper,I may need to put more questions on here for you to answer.

Focusing on perceptions of a policy, such as early retirement and using observation as a data collection tool , complete your proposal by including the following four sections, clearly labeled in your proposal:

Data collection tool definition: Observation

Choose any social setting or specific variable that you want to observe. Define the behaviors that you will use to indicate this specific variable as clearly as possible, and create a “checklist” that will allow you to remain consistent across observations. See the Observation Guide in the Resources for an example of data collected using this method. If you choose this method, describe in your proposal how and where you will observe, including how you defined your key variables as a researcher, so that the reader knows exactly how you collected your data. Include a draft of your checklist in an appendix (following the reference list) with your proposal.

1.Introduction: Write a paragraph that explains what your topic will be, why you have chosen it, and why it is important and relevant to the sociological study of diversity.

2.Data Collection: Discuss in detail (in 2–3 paragraphs) how you plan to collect data on your topic. Describe the observation tool or the questionnaire you will use to collect your data. A more detailed explanation of this component can be found below, or in the Measuring Diversity in a Social Environment course project description, located in the Resources section.

3.Resources: Locate three sources you plan to use for your project. Briefly describe each source and why it will be helpful for your understanding your topic. You may use up to two chapters from the course texts or two of our assigned articles. At least one source should be a scholarly article or book from the Capella library. One source can be a popular media source, such as a newspaper article, radio, program, or television news segment found online. Do not use Wikipedia, Buzzle, About, or other encyclopedia-style Web sites, as these are often incorrect and are not considered academically valid.

4.Theories: Identify at least three sociological concepts or theories that you plan to use to interpret and analyze your findings. Include a sentence or two describing how you will apply these concepts or theories. These concepts or theories should come from the assigned course readings. Examples of concepts include prejudice, stereotypes, minority groups, sexism, cultural pluralism, assimilation, structural mobility, modern racism, social distance, et cetera. Examples of theories include Marx’s and Weber’s theories of inequality, Park’s race relations cycle, Gordon’s theory of assimilation, human capital theory, the scapegoat hypothesis, and the theory of authoritarian personality.

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