For the “some one respond” file which is my classmate responded under my discussion. According the contact of the Babette’s Feast, give him some feedback.
1.Then engage with others who have responded to a different question to explore aspects of the works that you did not consider in your initial post. Of course, be sure to respond to the contributions others are making to your original post.
2.The follow-up posts should also not exceed 150 words to keep the exploration of the initial points succinct and focused. Support your analysis with references to specific scenes and paraphrases or, if possible, dialogue from a particular scene or scenes.
Questions(just in case you don’t have those)
- Consider the major and minor characters–the reverend, his daughters and their lovers, the community, and Babette. What are the attitudes toward food we encounter as we learn about the different characters? What are the food attributes we associate with each? What meaning should we attach to these foods?
- One of the themes that emerges when we analyze the novella is the idea of transformation. What are the different transformations that the novella brings to our attention. Do the effects of the transformations we observe the same for all or are there differences? What might their significance?
- What are the major differences you noticed between the written text and the film? What may have motivated the director’s interpretation of the text? If you were to produce a movie of Babette’s feast, what would you emphasize differently? How?
- One criticism of the tale I often hear from students is that the story unfolds very slowly. Consider the narrative structure of the novella as well as the movie and select two scenes in which readers may initially wish to speed up the action, but the slowness of the narrative and the long shots in the movie actually add an important element to our understanding. What is added and why is it significant?
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