The time has come to submit your final and complete Modern World Literature project. As a reminder, the requirements for this paper are listed below.
You will compare and contrast two literary works (from two different writers) from the course that share the same theme. (Examples include, but are not limited to: Race/Ethnicity; Creativity/The Creative Process; Symbolism/Irony; Gender Roles/Marriage). You can either compare two novels, a novel and a short story, two short stories, a short story and a poem, or two poems.
- Original research paper that is a minimum of 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point, with a standard font of Times New Roman. In general, pages consist of:
Title Page – Captivating title, your name, title of the course, date.
Body – 4-5 pages in length. Follow this rough map (outline):
- Introduction – introduce works to be compared – (Remember you are comparing and contrasting the themes from two works of literature.) Bring focus to your study through thesis statement.
- First Point coming out of thesis statement
- Support #1 from research
- Support #2 from research
- Personal observation
- Etc.
- Second Point coming out of thesis statement
- Support #1 from research
- Support #2 from research
- Personal opinion
- Etc.
- Third Point (if needed) coming out of thesis statement
- Support #1 from research
- Support #2 from research
- Personal opinion
- Etc.
- Conclusion – Reiterate (do not simply restate) your thesis. Remember to mention both subjects here and close with a striking point.
References Cited page – in APA format.
- Follow APA format for the paper and for citing your sources. APA guidelines are available through the Online Library.
- Proper mechanics (clear, concise, and complete sentences and paragraphs), proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- Four to five sources for the paper from your research. Please use one or two sources as available from your college’s Online Library. For assistance on researching in the library, see the Resources tab. Internet resources should be from credible sources.
- Use statements and ideas that are your own writing and blend these in with your research. If you want to use actual words from a source, put them in quotation marks followed by an in-text citation showing that particular source.
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