SWOT Analysis: Summary

For the past few modules, you have researched and thoroughly explained the major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization; and you have discussed why they are present and what can be done to remove, improve, or reduce them. Now, it is time to take all of this information and research, and summarize your findings, and provide recommendations where the organization can make improvements or take advantage of opportunities. Finally, you need to provide a conclusion to wrap up your overall SWOT analysis. Your summary will become the sixth section of your SWOT analysis paper.

In your summary, include the following:

  • At least one summarizing paragraph for each SWOT section (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).
  • At least one paragraph that describes your recommendations for improvement.
  • Relevant business theories, concepts, and practices to support your statements and findings. Note that bullet points are not acceptable.
  • A conclusion paragraph to wrap up the entire paper.Use resources to properly cite your work:

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