Smart Card Technology
*Read the Smart Card Technology in Health Care (PDF Attached) and write a 1,000 to 1,250-word paper that addresses the topic and, specifically, the following questions:
1.What is the history of “smart cards”? Which industries have utilized smart card technology successfully?
2.Explain the concept of “stored value” as it applies to smart card technologies and describe how this feature might be utilized by consumers to obtain health care services.
3.Explain how smart cards can reduce fraud and streamline administrative procedures.
4.What are the futurist projections for the use of smart cards in 5 to 10 years?
**You are required to use a minimum of four qualified, current (NO MORE THAN 5 YEARS OLD) publication references with in-text citations for this paper. You may include that Smart Card Technology in Health Care (attached) as a reference.
***Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.
****You will be graded on:
1. History of Smart Cards: Essay provides a clear and thorough description of the history of smart cards in an insightful manner. Essay indicates industries successful in utilizing the technology, with appropriate examples as needed. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the explanation provided.
2. Explanation of “Stored Value: Essay provides a clear and thorough explanation of the term “stored value” in an insightful manner. Essay describes the potential utilization by consumers to obtain health care services, with appropriate examples as needed. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the explanation provided.
3. Use in Fraud Reduction and Administrative Procedures: Essay provides a clear and thorough explanation of the uses of smart cards in fraud reduction and administrative procedures, with appropriate examples as needed. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the explanation provided.
4. Futurist Projections of Use: Essay provides a strong and in depth prediction of future uses of smart cards in 5-10 years, with appropriate examples as needed. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the explanation provided.
5. Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
6. Paragraph Development and Transitions: There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
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