Tribute system between China’s Ming and Qing Dynasty with Choson Korea


“Compose an important historical question and write an analytical essay addressing that question. The essay should include discussion of relevant primary source materials and engage key secondary literature on the topic.

This paper assignment tests your analytical thinking and writing abilities. In addition to your ability to incorporate the material covered in the course, grading will be based on the cogency and originality of the argument(s), the organization of the paper, and the clarity of the writing.

You are free to formulate your own research question(s) regarding the topic of your choice, but make sure to engage class readings and discussions as much as possible.

Depending on the topic and questions, you may have to do additional research at the library and find books, articles, and/or primary source materials beyond those contained in the syllabus. You are required to use some primary sources (at least two quotations), either from assigned readings or from your own research, as evidence for your argument(s).

Your essay should focus on a problem of historical interpretation. It should not simply be a description of events or a recitation of facts.

To reiterate, the paper should be organized around your own questions and argument(s). At the same time you need to demonstrate that you actually did the required work for the course by quoting or referring to material from the assigned readings, the lectures, and discussions. A short “Works Cited” page should follow the main body of the paper. Your paper must be in short essay format, 4-5 pages, 12-point font, and double spaced.

You are required to use footnotes or endnotes in Chicago Style for all direct quotations and to indicate the sources of material you are using and the arguments made by others.


What are the nature and characteristics of the tribute relationship between China (Ming and Qing) and Choson Korea? Include in your discussion why Choson agreed to participate in the China-centered tribute system, instead of asserting its independence, and what were advantages and disadvantages for Choson in doing so.

The file that I uploaded is a required course reading that related to the prompt. Please engage with this reading.

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