Marketing Project 2500 words!

My chosen fictitious company is a restaurant.

Marketing Plan Project Instructions

For your Marketing Plan Project, you need to create a fictitious company with a product (or line of products) or service that you want to analyze and promote. You can make up your product/service or use an existing one. If you use an existing one, you may want to add something that makes it unique. Just look around your house or office and you will find many of them.

There is a great example of a Marketing Plan in your book (page 60) that you can use as a model.


  1. View the Marketing Plan Project Grading Rubric to understand how you will be evaluated.
  2. Please approach the project with a “real world – manager’s” mentality. How would you do it if you were faced with this task in the real world? How would you present it? What would you include? There are many examples that you can use as guidance on the Internet. There is no reason to ask how you should do the project.
  3. There is not a right or wrong format to do the project. Please make sure that your project:
    1. Contains a minimum of 2,500 words.
    2. Is easy to read and understand: The use of graphics is highly recommended.
    3. Is appealing to your audience. Make it interesting.
    4. Follows a format. You can use APA (6th) edition or MLA. Choose one format and follow it. Please do not mix formats.
    5. Cite all your sources
  4. Make sure you touch on all the elements mentioned in the Marketing Plan Outline.
  5. Analyze and summarize your work.
  6. View the Suggested Marketing Plan Outline and/or the Detailed Alternative Marketing Plan Outline


There are literally thousands of sources such as books, libraries, and the Internet that would help you with your Marketing Plan Project. The following is a list of some Internet sources that I have found and believe to have accurate relevant information to help you with your project. You are not limited to these sources. Should you use other sources, please make sure to check their validity before using their information.


Mplans – How to Write a Marketing Plan

MSBDC Boston Regional Office and Minority Business Center – Marketing Plan

wikiHow to Create a Marketing Plan

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