English Research Question

Research Paper Using Word 2010

This assignment has two goals:  1) have students increase their understanding
of the concept of Protecting Personal Information (PPI) and other ethical
issues related to the use of information technology through research, and 2)
learn to correctly use the tools and techniques within Word to format a
research paper including using Word 2010/2013’s
citation tools.
  These skills will be
valuable throughout students’ academic career. 
The paper will require a title page, NO abstract, three to four full pages
of content with incorporation of a minimum of 3 external resources from
credible sources, and a Works Cited/Reference page.  Three pages of content means 3 full pages, to
the bottom of the third page.  Two pages
plus five lines on the third page will not suffice.  Note that submitting a paper that is less
than three pages may affect your grade on several rubric items, including page
length and several content items.

A list of topics from which students can choose is provided
below.  Wikipedia and similar pages are
NOT creditable sources.  Blogs and
discussion groups are not creditable sources. 
The course textbook cannot be used as a source for the research
paper.  No more than 10% of the paper may
be in the form of a direct citation from an external source.

Topics for Research

  1. Personally Identifiable
    Information (PII)
  2. Social Engineering
  3. Employee Monitoring
  4. Information Privacy
  5. Electronic Medical Records
  6. Biometrics (in terms of
    ethical and privacy issues)
  7. Identity Theft
  8. Use of Cookies
  9. Privacy Laws related to
    Information Technology use
  10. Intellectual Property
    Rights; Copyright

Writing Quality for the Research Paper

* Grammar, Verb
Tenses, Pronoun Use, Spelling, Punctuation, and Writing Competency.

spell-check, then proofread. Better yet, have a friend or colleague read it
before submitting it. Read it out loud to yourself.

* Remember: there is not their, your is not you’re, its is not it’s, too is not to or two, site is not cite, and who should be
used after an individual, not that. For
example, “the person WHO made the speech” not “the person THAT
made the speech.”

* In a professional paper one does not use contractions (doesn’t,
don’t, etc.) and one does not use the personal you or your. Use the impersonal as in the previous
sentence. It is more business-like than saying, “Also in a professional
paper you don’t use contractions.”

* Use the impersonal as in the sentence immediately above. It is
more business-like than saying, “Also in a professional paper you don’t
use contractions.”

This is not a speech, it is a research
paper.  First and second person should
NOT be used.




Paper should be
double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 point Times Roman type


This is the font
in normal paragraphs.  Heading and
title fonts may be in bold, but
should remain in 12 point font.

Deliverable is at
least three full pages and does not exceed four typed, double-spaced pages


Charts and other
graphical information are not included in the page count.  Title and reference pages are not included
in page count. 

Title Page which
shows title and author’s (student’s) name.


Title must be
appropriate for content

At least three (3)
APA formatted in-text citations.

You are required to use the References
feature in Word 2010/2013 for your citations and Reference List. 
It is important to review the final format for APA-style correctness
even if generated by Word.


These can be anywhere
in the document, but the citations must be relevant to what is being
referenced and use the APA format.

At least two (2)
informational footnotes.

(Note:  APA Style does not use footnotes for
citations; however, does allow for the incorporation of informational


These can be
anywhere in the document, but the informational footnotes must be relevant to
the associated text.  The purpose of
this requirement is to effectively incorporate the information and
demonstrate that you can use the MS Word footnoting functionality.

Reference Page
using APA format for references

You are required to use the References
feature in Word 2010/2013 for your citations and Reference List. 
It is important to review the final format for APA-style correctness
even if generated by Word.


All works listed
must be incorporated within the writing of your paper as specified in APA

Describe the
topic and ethical issue as it relates to the use of Information Technology


Discuss the
trends, ways individuals and/or organizations are impacted by the issue or
working to prevent the impact.


Paper must be
well-organized, clearly written in a style appropriate for college level


Paper should be
grammatically correct and contain no spelling errors. 


Although you
should use the SpellCheck and Grammar Check function in Word, this will not
catch all errors – you are ultimately responsible for proofreading.  Direct citations should not exceed 10% of
total words (use Word’s ‘word count’ function)



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