Configuring Antivirus Software

You are a security analyst at a large Security Operations Center (SOC). Malware infections have noticeably increased, and all the impacted machines did not have updated anti-virus signatures. Your task is to set the anti-virus software to secure your company’s computers.

Note: Module 3 of Certified Secure Computer User details two options for anti-virus protection, Kaspersky and Avast anti-virus software.

Choose one of the following two options:

Option 1 (choose this option if you do not have Kaspersky or Avast anti-virus software on your machine):

  • Follow the directions given in Module 3 to install and configure Kaspersky or Avast anti-virus software on your machine.
  • Verify that virus definitions are current. Take a screenshot.
  • Run a scan of your machine. Take a screenshot of the results.
  • Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and definitions are current.

Option 2 (choose this option if you already have anti-virus software installed on your machine):

  • Verify that virus definitions are current. Take a screenshot.
  • Run a scan of your machine. Take a screenshot of the results.
  • Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and definitions are current.

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