Choose a side nature or nurture you believe has a more profound impact on human behavior.

There is a long-standing debate regarding the impact of nature (inherited traits) versus nurture (environmental factors) on human behavior. Choose a side (nature or nurture) you believe has a more profound impact on human behavior.

Write a 700-1,050-word paper, in which you include the following based on your selected side:

  • Your selected side (Nature or Nurture)
  • An answer to the question “Do genetics have a more powerful influence on the developing child or the family systems in which they are raised?” and your rationale
  • The description of at least one psychiatric disorder with strong genetic loading
  • Your stance and supported rationale regarding the following “There have been studies published about monozygotic (identical) twins raised in the same household where one twin has a severe mental illness and the other twin does not. How would you explain this from a nature vs. nurture debate?”
  • At least two to three peer-reviewed journal articles beyond the textbook to support your side of the issue. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin

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