Cognitive-behavioral therapies offer so many treatment choicesw here, as a psychologist, do you begin? The therapies of the cognitive-behavioral orientation tend to be rich with techniques. How do you choose which therapy to use?
By now, you have a basic understanding of the cognitive-behavioral orientation and its basic tenets of human behavior, human learning, and the development of psychopathology as well as an appreciation for the importance of empirically supported treatments and evidence-based practice with respect to CBT. You may already be thinking about a specific presenting issue, disorder, or population that might be best suited for a given cognitive-behavioral intervention.
In this week’s Discussion, you will evaluate three cognitive-behavioral interventions for use with a specific presenting issue. In doing so, you will better understand the process of selecting an appropriate empirically supported treatment to apply in an evidence-based practice for a given presenting issue.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review the “REBT,” “Behavior Therapy,” and “Cognitive Therapy” sessions on the course DVD, Counseling: Theories in Action. Pay particular attention to the various methods and interventions used in each session.
Choose a presenting issue/disorder to discuss in this assignment. You may use The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner for disorder and treatment suggestions.
Select three interventions from the cognitive-behavioral orientation that you learned about this week and consider how you would use them with a client presenting your selected disorder. Pay particular attention to why you would choose a specific intervention for a specific issue and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions you selected.
Conduct a brief literature search (23 articles) on the interventions you selected. Be sure the interventions are empirically supported treatments.
Finally, consider how cognitive-behavioral therapies “fit” or resonate with you.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a description and evaluation of three cognitive-behavioral interventions that have been found to be effective with a specific disorder. Justify your selection with evidence of empirical support and be sure to explain why you chose each intervention based on the underlying conceptualization of the problem in question. Then briefly state how, as a psychologist, cognitive-behavioral therapies “fit” or resonate for you.
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