answer 6 philosophy question, 500 words each

Reading requirement:

1. Rene Descartes”Meditations on First Philosophy”(First and Second Meditations) Pages 199- 207

2. John Locke “The Causal Theory of Perception” Pages 231-238

3. George Berkeley “Of the Principles of Human Knowledge” Pages 239-2464

4. two moves are“The Matrix ” and “Fight Club”

  1. Euthyphro’s first definition of piety and impiety is “What is loved by the gods is pious and what is hated, impious.” How does Socrates respond? What is Euthphro’s second definition and how does it fix the problem that the first definition had? How does Socrates respond to the second definition? Explain.
  2. What is Euthyphro’s third definition of “piety?” How does Socrates respond to this definition? In the repose, be careful to go through all 3 of the analogies (Horse trainer/horse, servant/master, and gift giving). Be very clear on why definition 3 fails.
  3. What is Descartes’ goal in the Meditations? How does he employ his method of hyperbolic doubt to this end? Name and explain the various tools he uses to cast doubt, the sorts of things each tool casts into doubt, and with each tool what remains undoubted?
  4. In Locke’s Causal Theory of Perception, he makes a distinction between what he calls “Primary Qualities” and “Secondary Qualities.” Explain first what a quality is and then explain his distinction between the Primary and Secondary Qualities. Lastly, explain why does he make the distinction? What does the distinction show?
  5. Berkeley attempts to collapse Locke’s Primary/Secondary Quality distinction. Lay out his arguments for this. Explain his Master Argument (what he thinks physical objects really are) and demonstrate how it ties to the arguments that allow him to collapse the Primary/Secondary Quality distinction.
  6. Both movies for this section make us question whether we can know if our perception of the world is real or not. How do both Descartes and Berkeley establish this same problem? What would they say to a crazy philosophy professor who told you that you were in the matrix right now or that your best friend did not exist and was just a hallucination? Any connection to the films would be greatly appreciated.

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