The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Module 8 Graded Assignment: Final Developmental Paper

Assignment Description:

Watch the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The movies is based on the popular novel by Stephen Chbosky about an adolescent named Charlie. Even if students have already watched this movie or read the book, please watch this movie again as a social worker to enhance your skills and analyzing the issues of children and adolescents based on the knowledge that you have learned in this course. After watching the film you will write a 6-8 page typed, double spaced paper in APA format analyzing the biological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual issues related to the main character Charlie, using theories of Child and Adolescent development to wear appropriate.

  1. Identify and analyze important biological and physical issues pertaining to Charlie in the movie.
  2. Identify and analyze important psychological (emotional and cognitive) issues pertaining to Charlie in the movie.
  3. Identify and analyze important social (e.g. work, friends, family, and school) issues pertaining to Charlie in the movie.
  4. Identify and analyze important spiritual (meaning and purpose) issues pertaining to Charlie in the movie.
  5. Identify and analyze important cultural (race, class, ethnicity) issues pertaining to Charlie in the movie.
  6. Identify the main strengths and challenges of Charlie in the movie.
  7. Skillfully apply theories of Child and Adolescent development to Charlie in the movie. Appropriately identify and cite theories you are applying.
  8. Demonstrate your understanding of Charlie’s behavior in context of his development and environment.

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and is six to eight pages long not including title and reference Pages, formatted in APA 6th edition.


Final Developmental Paper Rubric

Submission status

Submission status No attempt
Grading status Not graded
Due date Friday, 15 December 2017, 11:55 PM
Time remaining 10 days 1 hour
Grading criteria
Quality of research: 20% required sources. Quality of sources. Relevant sources. Contribution of sources.


Failed to cite sources or unable to find sources due to lack of citation. Sources unrelated to topic. Sources cited unreliable (i.e. random website with questionable information). Sources do not contribute to the paper in a significant way and are shallow or unrelated. Little to no research used in paper construction. Most sources not within the publication dates specified.


Cited 3 sources. Source reliability questionable. Some information relevant to topic. Sources somewhat contribute to the paper in a significant way. Surface research. More than 1 source not within the publication dates specified.


Cited 3 sources. Most information relevant to topic. Sufficient information provided to support most elements of the topic. Sources contribute to the paper in a significant way. Research of sufficient depth.


Cited 3+ sources. All information relevant to topic. Sufficient information provided to support topic. Source contribute to the paper in a significant way. Research in-depth and beyond the obvious.


Content: 40% topic supporting arguments. Depth of writing. Organization and structure. Critical Thinking.



No clear topic. No support for topic, or lack of clear topic results in disjointed content. Writing not readable. Organization, transitions, introduction and other sections do not fit together and/or relate to one another. No substantive synthesis of research and theory application.


Topic too broad or narrow for length of paper. Writing difficult to read and understand barely sufficient. Organization, transitions, introduction, and confusion lacking clarity. Not clear, organized synthesis of research and theory application.


Topic somewhat broad or narrow for length of paper. Writing and various supporting points are clear and readable. Support for topic sufficient but lacking in depth or complexity. Organization, transitions, introduction, and conclusions mostly clear and appropriate. Good synthesis of research and theory application.


Topic of appropriate scope. Support for topic complete and in-depth. Writing readable and structure not confusing. Writer involved with subject, not merely doing an assignment. Clear, appropriate organization. Excellent synthesis of research and theory application.


Quality of Writing and Grammar: 20% grammar, spelling, readability. Flow and written in a formal paper style. Double-spaced using Times New Roman font in 12 point.



Major grammatical and/or writing errors that make the paper difficult to read and understand. Written in first-person tense (I, me, we) instead of formal, 3rd person tense. Multiple spelling errors and/or errors in punctuation or capitalization. Does not follow general writing style requirements. Does not flow and is very disjointed with no overall structure or transitions.


Style somewhat consistent and appropriate for formal writing. Does not include first-person language. Incorrect word choice. Some spelling errors and punctuation or capitalization errors. Other multiple but minor grammatical errors. Paper does not flow and jumps from topic to topic or sentence to sentence without connecting ideas.


Style mostly consistent and appropriate for formal writing. Does not include first-person (I, me, we). Fairly effective word choice. Very few spelling errors and punctuation or capitalization errors. Meets most formal writing requirements. Paper mostly flows but may have a couple of awkward transitions.


Consistent and appropriate formal style of writing. Sophisticated and precise word choice. No spelling errors. No errors in agreement or tense. No punctuation or capitalization errors. Writing flows well from sentence to sentence and section to section.


Formatting Requirements and APA Style: 20% include cover page and bibliography. 5-7 pages. Includes content and cover page, and a citation page.



than a few pages under or over the page requirement. Missing multiple formatting requirements. Failed to cite sources or unable to find sources due to incorrect citation. Major, multiple errors in citation formatting. Missing bibliography.


Slightly under or over the page requirements. Missing one or more formatting requirements. Not all sources properly cited in both paper and bibliography. Multiple errors in citation format.


Meets minimum and maximum on page length. Missing one or more formatting requirements. Not all sources properly cited in both paper and bibliography. Multiple errors in citation format.


Meets minimum and maximum on page length. Meets all font, margin and other formatting requirements. All sources properly cited in both paper and bibliograp

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