Research Papaer

Research Project A


  1. Select and research a business that you are familiar with.
    Report on one process such as sales, purchases, payroll, fixed asset
    acquisitions, inventory, etc.
  2. Prepare an outline of your project. It should include bullet points
    describing each requirement, organized as the final project will be
    organized. (This is due in Week 5.)
  3. Study the information system, using various tools that will be
    covered in this course (i.e. flowcharts, risk assessments, control
    matrices, etc.).
  4. Prepare and submit your report.

Paper Content:

  1. Brief summary of business selected (e.g., industry, organizational structure, purpose, number of employees, revenues, etc.)
  2. Overview of component of company’s AIS selected (e.g., what does it
    accomplish for the company, accounting cycle, number of employees
    involved, manual vs. automated)
  3. Process flowchart
  4. Risk assessment
  5. Control matrix of key controls
  6. Summary assessment of results (what did company do right/wrong, what needs improvement and how to improve)

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 8-10 pages in length.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • Cite at least three scholarly sources, at least one of which is not
    provided in, or linked from, the course, to support your assertions and
    strengthen your arguments. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to
    find these sources.

Refer to the Portfolio Project rubric on the Course Information
page for grading criteria. Please proofread your paper to ensure the
sentences, paragraphs, and ideas flow well and are logical, concise, and
grammatically error-free.

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