Research Design Paper Guidelines Fall 2017.pdf(View in attachment) and this one is rubric

This is the paper I have now.

Final Paper Example.docx(View in attachment)

this one is an example of how the paper should look like

this is the guildline

Research Design Paper Guidelines Fall 2017.pdf(View in attachment)

and this one is rubric

this is the presentation of me, so it’s basically like a structure or draft of my research design.

3160 Final Paper Rubric.pdf(View in attachment)

I need now it to revise all the research method section, because I have
changed my research design to observational study, which is different
from experiment, so all the small sections underneath the big research
method section needed to have changes accordingly.

please revise all of my paper according to the example research paper,
but the main part is still the research method, so if other sections are
fine then you don’t need to revise it at all.

Image1(View in attachment)

this is the comment of my teacher so i need to make changes accordingly too. in attachment)

Yes, that one is about the confounds

and in my paper I have three group of people, one of them it’s less
than 7 hours please change it to 3, 4 hours, that way it’s a bigger
difference between the groups

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