In your own words state what approach(s) you believe are the best approaches for account recovery

In this week’s reading we looked at accounts, identity, authentication, and account recovery. There is an old adage that says, “You can never be too safe. When it comes to the digital world, it’s very true. Cyber hackers and hijackers are lurking everywhere to steal digital information. And while it’s a piece of cake for them to get passwords and other sensitive information, for the rest of us, keeping track of login information is a hassle especially since everything needs its own password. It’s too much and eventually passwords get forgotten.

The week’s reading mentioned various methods of approach to account recovery. In your own words state what approach(s) you believe are the best approaches for account recovery, and how you would apply the approach in an enterprise setting. Please state your answer in a 1-2 page paper in APA format. Include citations and sources in APA style.

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