Read the article and answer the questions

Each assignment needs to be a 1.5-2 page write up (in paragraph format) discussing the article (single spaced, 12 point font). It should contain the following parts:

  • An executive summary (~2 sentences) about the content of the article, formatted in italics. This should be written once you are DONE with the assignment, however put it up at the top of the page.
  • In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the article and put it in context of what we are studying in class.
    • In your write-up, make sure to highlight 3 vocabulary words from our book that we’ve learned so far, and explain their meaning within the context of the article.
    • vocab 1: Free Trade: The absence
      of barriers to the free flow of goods and services between countries.
    • vocab 2: New Trade Theory: The observed
      pattern of trade in the world economy may be due in part to the ability of
      firms in a given market to capture first-mover advantages
    • Vocab 3: Specific Tariff?: Tariff
      levied as a fixed charge for each unit of good imported. The vocabulary words must be integrated within the flow of the write-up, within the paragraphs.
      • Make sure to highlight each vocabulary word by putting it in bold and underline.
      • For each write-up, you cannot repeat vocabulary words you have used before.
  • In 2 paragraphs, respond to the content of the article. Given what you know and what we’ve learned in class, what do you think about the news? What should the reader take away from this article?
  • In 1 paragraph, if you were an international business, how might this news affect you? What decisions might you have to make? What things might you have to be aware of?
  • In 1 paragraph, provide a conclusion that ties all the previous parts together.

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