My research title is:
The Effects of Online Learning Management System towards the Students Performance of Middle East College
Task 2.
Submit a mini project based on the “project proposal” in week 14 which must include:
? Detailed Literature review
o Engage with reading literature from multiple resources such as text books and
internet. Critically review the existing academic literature pertaining to the area of
research chosen.
? Initial design
o Prepare an initial design matching with your research problem. This should include
the modules / functionalities that are planned to be implemented in the application
? Research methodology
o Prepare a detailed evaluation of the different research techniques, tools and assess
research methods chosen for your research work.
? References
o Prepare the references using Harvard referencing style.
? Documentation
o Prepare a document describing all Tasks above.
Refer the Project Handbook given below to accomplish the tasks. A mini project report including
the above must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.
Project Handbook
Detailed Literature review:
a detailed critical analysis of (minimum 7) research articles to be
carried out. Place your investigation in the context of previous research and justify how you have
approached your investigation. Provide evidence to help explain the findings of your investigation.
Initial design:
this section must provide the description and the work flow of the system. This
initial design should match with your research problem. This should include the modules /
functionalities that are planned to be implemented in the application.
Research methodology:
a detailed evaluation of the different research techniques and tools
utilized need to be carried out. Also assess the research methods chosen for your research work.
All citations in the literature review section should be mentioned in references. Prepare the
references using Harvard referencing style.
Prepare a document describing all Tasks above. The report must be logically
structured, using correct grammar and spelling, excellent cross-referencing and links to supporting
total words: 3000
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