Values tend to be personal and not always easy to discuss or share. Assume that you work for a non-profit organization whose mission statement requires that you uphold the values of the client above your own. One of your clients, Tracy, a 21 year-old unemployed, single woman, confides in you that she is six weeks pregnant and is morally conflicted over the decision regarding whether to keep the baby, terminate the pregnancy, or give the child up for adoption. Tracey knows who the father is, but has not told him that she is pregnant.
Submit a critical essay addressing the following questions:
- How would you initiate a value discussion with Tracy?
- What rationale would you offer her?
- How would you clarify to be certain that you understand what Tracy is saying?
- Write a 2-4 page paper
- Be sure your answer names and discusses relevant established ethical codes.
- Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to APA
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