Hey guys I kinda need help with these essays .Me graduating kinda depends on it. Please help me out here..
Writing: Principles of Carbohydrate Loading
Writing: Diagram Female Athlete Triad
In a 200 to 300 words, describe the affects of eating disorders on the health athletes. What are the symptoms that may suggest there is a problem? In particular, outline the female athlete triad and its signs and symptoms.
Document your source
Writing: Sports Dietary Supplements
Review three dietary supplements you find at home or in the store. Describe what you find on the label in terms of content and claims. Identify its ingredients. Discuss what the claims may lead you to believe about the product. Site information from credible sources about dosing and benefits of use. Also indicate your own personal experience if that applies, and what applications the supplement may have other than what the package claims it is used for.
Document your sources
Writing: Pros and Cons of Using Ergogenic Aids
Write a 300-500 word essay. Choose a dietary supplement or ergogenic aid, evaluate it, and decide if it is appropriate using the following criteria:
- Why are you using it or doing it?
- Explore alternatives or options available.
- List pros and cons related to the supplement or aid.
- Identify your values around using this supplement (why is it important to you?).
- Identify your plan of action to continue its use or not.
Document your sources
Writing: Stages of Stress Response
Write a 300-500 word essay. Think of an example of a stressful incident or series of events in your life or someone that you know. Relate theses events to the three stages of the stress response. Be specific in discussing the physical effect the stress was having in each stage.
Document your sources
Writing: Food Progression for Infants
Write a 200-300 word response and create a simple diagram including a timeline that shows the progression of food intake during infancy.
Document your sources
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