West Coast University Week 8 Diabetes Research Project


Upload the final written version of your paper here for instructor grading.

The research project requires that you select a disease, syndrome, etc. of interest, which affects a diverse population, and write a descriptive epidemiological analysis of that topic. Descriptive epidemiology is usually the first stage in studying the epidemiology of a disease or syndrome or other conditions.

Your descriptive analysis will cover:

  • Person: Who is affected? (Examples include age, gender, address.)
  • Place: Where did the cases occur? (The geographic locations may show clusters or patterns.)
  • Time: When did the outbreak occur (date, season, day of week, etc.)?

You may obtain data from multiple sources, such as the National Center for Health Statistics, national, state or local health departments, World Health Organization (WHO), texts, and the Internet. Make sure you cite your sources correctly.

For examples of descriptive epidemiological analysis, please refer to:

Your paper should:

  • Be 6· pages in length
  • Cite at least 4 scholarly sources
  • Include charts where applicable, if it relates to your topic.
  • Include patterns or comparisons when necessary or applicable (e.g., comparing a state with a country).
  • Follow APA format
    • Title page
    • Abstract
    • Headings throughout your paper
    • In-text citations and a reference section

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

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