Walden University Module 5 Start up Consultancy Company Swot Analysis


  Module 5

Describe an objective that affects you either at home, work, or school that would benefit from a SWOT analysis.  

Describe the objective and then list Strengths and Weaknesses and potential Threats or Opportunities to carry out the objective.  

When you have completed the steps above you will have 4 – separate lists.  It is best to display the lists side-by-side so you can see the overall picture and assess any issues that may need to be addressed.

  1. Determine the objective – decide on a key project or strategy to analyze and place it at the top of your page.
  2. Create a grid.  Draw a large square and then divide it into four smaller squares.
  3. Label each box SWOT
  4. Add the Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Add  potential Opportunities and  Threats
  6. Draw a conclusion(s) – a realistic recognition of the weaknesses and threats that exist for your effort is the first step to countering them with a robust and creative set of strengths and opportunities.  Your conclusion should address and prioritize the action(s) that need to be taken to complete your stated objective. This is a summary of the finding of your grid results relating to your SWOT that goes at the bottom of your grid.   

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