After watching To Err is Human(Links to an external site.), think about the role of the interprofessional team in reducing medication error rates in patients with chronic illnesses. Initial Post: Afte

After watching

To Err is Human

(Links to an external site.)

, think about the role of the interprofessional team in reducing medication error rates in patients with chronic illnesses.

Initial Post

: After watching the video (or listening to the audio track), respond to the following in the collaborative Interprofessional Discussion area:

Please answer the following questions in the discussion, bring your own thoughts and experiences to the conversation, and enjoy talking about this vitally important topic with your colleagues!

  • The film presented the success the airline industry has had in reducing error rates to almost zero. What can health care workers learn from their experience, and do you think it is possible to get to a 0% error rate in health care?
  • How might simulation help prevent medication errors in patients with chronic disease?
  • It was mentioned in the film that 50% of nurses do not feel safe reporting a medication error. How do we create a culture of safety that ensures health care workers are encouraged, and even rewarded, to report medication errors and near- misses? How can all disciplines contribute to this goal?

Clearly present your perspective and well-informed thoughts based on personal professional growth, new insights/ideas, ethical considerations, and citations from your text and other sources.

* You have to watch the video “To err is human” from youtube and it is $3.99 and you will use the information from the video and the attached reading to answer the above questions. I would include the video fee. 250 or a little above 250 words.

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