Skyler Hansen is an 18-year-old male whose parents have brought him…

Question Answered step-by-step Skyler Hansen is an 18-year-old male whose parents have brought him… Skyler Hansen is an 18-year-old male whose parents have brought him to the Emergency Department with concern of sudden weight loss, fatigue, and frequent urination that began 2-3 weeks ago and has progressively worsened. He has experienced a 5-kg weight loss in the last 2 weeks. They tried to call Skylar’s pediatrician but he was out of the office and after they told the nurse what symptoms Skylar was having, she said to bring him to the Emergency Department immediately. The provider has not yet seen the patient, but standing orders for suspected newonset diabetes are available, and a saline lock has been inserted in his right forearm. Patient Overview Skyler Hansen Age 18 years Weight 70 kg Race Caucasian Gender Male Height 182 cm Religion No religion Major Support Mother Allergies No known allergies Immunizations Current This study source was downloaded by 100000797965423 from on 02-19-2022 12:28:23 GMT -06:00 Initial Vital Signs Temperature 36.7 °C Heart Rate 78 bpm Respiration Rate 22 rpm Blood Pressure 118/74 mmHg spO2 99% Heart Rhythm Sinus Medical History Past Medical History Skyler Hansen has no significant past medical history and takes no medications. As far as mother is aware he does not smoke or use illicit drugs but she does admit that in the last year he has come home drunk a couple of times. History of Present Illness Fatigue and frequent urination began 2-3 weeks ago and have become progressively worse. 5-kg weight loss in the last 2 weeks. Upper respiratory infection last month but only missed one day of school. Social History Lives with parents and siblings. Student. Active in sports; denies smoking or illicit drug use; occasionally drinks alcohol. Primary Medical Diagnosis Suspected diabetes type 1. Surgeries/Procedures and Dates None. Diagnostics Laboratory Data This study source was downloaded by 100000797965423 from on 02-19-2022 12:28:23 GMT -06:00 Finger stick glucose level is: 458 mg/dL. This should be reported by the facilitator when finger stick blood glucose is measured. Results for BMP are available in the patient chart. These results should be given after blood samples have been taken and the tests requested. Provider’s Orders Emergency Department Standing Orders for Suspected New-Onset Diabetes  Vital signs  Point of care glucose  Labs: BMP, CBC with Diff, UA/C&S  1 L normal saline bolus Stat Orders  Rapid-acting insulin 7 units subcutaneous stat  POC blood glucose every 30 minutes and report to provider  Long-acting insulin 26 units now and every 24 hrs  1 L normal saline with 20 mEq/L KCl at 200 mL/hr x 1 L, then decrease to 125 mL/hr. List three concepts that were the highest priority issues for this patient.  Explain your rationale for choosing these concepts for this patient.  (0.5 points).2. Identify at least two of Tanner’s critical thinking skills or strategies used to plan care.  Explain how you used these skills (0.5 points).  3. For each of the chosen concepts (Question #1) , explain how the interventions for each concept provided addressed the needs of the patient.  If they didn’t, explain why (1.5 points).    4. How will you apply the information and thinking used in this simulation to the care of patients in the clinical setting?  (1.5 points) 5. Reflect on how the care provided addressed the patient/family cultural, religious, age-related, or personal preferences (0.5 points).  6. Explain how you demonstrated active participation in simulation. Demonstration of collaboration, teamwork and communication skills are expected (0.5 points).   WHAT is Your Role??  please you did a good job but if possible can you use these 3 concepts (glucose regulation, fluid and electrolytes, and acid base) and explain by following the rubric. For each concept, complete below. Put the concepts in order of priority. #1.Concept: a) Why did you choose this? (Signs and symptoms, lab values etc) b) How does this concept apply to the patient’s situation? (Include pathophysiology to explain what is happening to this patient) c) What happens if we don’t correct the problem? 2. Identify at least two of Tanner’s critical thinking skills or strategies used to plan care. Pick at least two of Tanner’s strategies. Use the specific ones under Noticing, Interpreting, Responding, or Reflecting. Try to use different ones for each simulation. Critical thinking strategy: How did you use this in the simulation? (Be specific!) Critical thinking strategy: How did you use this in the simulation? (Be specific!) 3. 3. For each of the chosen concepts (Q1), explain how the interventions provided addressed the needs of the patient. If they didn’t, explain why. Must list one intervention used for each concept. Concept- #1. Intervention-Rationale for the intervention (why did you do this? What is the medication action? Why do we monitor or assess?)-Effectiveness (how did you evaluate the effectiveness? If not enough time elapsed then how would you evaluate effectiveness?)-NCLEX category. #2. Intervention 4. How will you apply the information and thinking used in this simulation to the care of patients in the clinical setting? What did you learn in this simulation? Be very specific! How would you use this in the clinical setting? Do not restate what was done in the simulation. Do not give me just one thing. Health Science Science Nursing NUR 212 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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