Hypertension PLA Patient Profile JG is a 50-year-old man who comes…

Question Answered step-by-step Hypertension PLA Patient Profile JG is a 50-year-old man who comes… Hypertension PLAPatient ProfileJG is a 50-year-old man who comes monthly to the community health screening for blood pressure (BP) checkups. He says he has had some headaches lately and a little dizziness.Subjective Data• Is a truck driver and eats a lot of fast foods• States it is hard to “eat healthy” on the road• Has smoked one-half pack of cigarettes per day for 30 yearsObjective Data• BP 182/104, pulse 90, temperature 97.0°F, respirations 24• Height 5’10”, weight 248 lb.Discussion Questions1) How should the Nurse recheck the patient’s blood pressure? Health Science Science Nursing NMNC NMNC-432 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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